
David Attenborough’s Mammals series premieres tonight in the USA

David Attenborough’s Mammals series premieres tonight in the USA

With his iconic voice he has explained the lives and wonders of animals to the world for the past eight decades, and now Sir David Attenborough is focusing his famous nature tales on mammals in a new wildlife series called – you guessed it –Mammals.

Twenty years after Attenborough’s groundbreaking series The life of mammalsthe six-part documentary series will revisit the world’s most successful group of animals. According to the BBC, the official synopsis reads: “66 million years ago, as the reign of the dinosaurs was coming to an end, mammals were released to exploit every corner of the planet. Mammals reveals the strategies, behaviours and traits behind the astonishing success of this remarkable group of animals. Most importantly, the series celebrates the amazing intelligence that enables mammals to learn, remember, problem-solve, parent and work together.”