
Residents raise concerns about waste disposal and public safety at the town hall meeting in the 6th district

Residents raise concerns about waste disposal and public safety at the town hall meeting in the 6th district

BIRMINGHAM, Alabama (WIAT) — Birmingham Mayor Randall Woodfin and City Councilwoman Crystal Smitherman heard the opinions of a number of 6th District residents at a town hall meeting Thursday.

Most of the residents’ concerns and questions revolved around garbage disposal, public safety and homelessness, to name a few. Valeria Claud, a resident of the 6th Ward, was among the many other residents who wanted to voice their concerns.

“Litter and crime and stuff, so we really want to address that. Theft, burglary, so we really want to address that and we want to see more of that,” Claud said.

Before the question-and-answer portion of the meeting, Woodfin gave a presentation outlining the district’s problems with trash, potholes, animal control calls, vacant properties and the need for community development.

Councillor Smitherman said solutions to these problems are already being worked on.

“Mayor Woodfin and I, as I mentioned, have a good relationship. We have a complaint log. We literally keep track of what the complaint is, who the person is, what their contact person is, what the status of the complaint is. That way we can monitor it,” Smitherman said.

After more than a dozen questions and comments were asked, each resident was given the opportunity to leave his or her name and telephone number at the end of the meeting.

Claud said she is optimistic that improvements will come in the district.

“These town meetings are just a blessing. It’s very important for us to get out and listen to the town,” Claud said.

Town hall meetings for each district are held once a year, but Councilwoman Smitherman encourages residents of her district to contact her office or district officials with their concerns.