
Anthony Cumia conquers the world with his new book “Spare Me”

Anthony Cumia conquers the world with his new book “Spare Me”

As anyone who has listened to his podcasts or radio shows knows, Anthony Cumia is not one to shy away from speaking out. In his second book, Spare Me (Post Hill Press), he continues his scathing attacks on the people and issues that currently trouble him.

From Owen Benjamin’s flat-earth fanaticism (“In my opinion, Owen is very smart and insane”) to his long-running feud with actor and comedian Bill Burr (“It was a personal thing between Bill, his wife and me. It’s not as dirty as it sounds”), Cumia revisits some of the more high-profile fights he’s had (and even won) recently.

Anthony Cumia Book "Spare me."
Shock comedian Anthony Cumia doesn’t mince his words in his latest book “Spare Me.”

He also addresses everything from the 2021 Capitol insurrection to Black Lives Matter and how Donald Trump will fare in November’s presidential election. “What I fear most is that the election will be stolen from him again – not by mail-in ballots or faulty voting machines, but by the mainstream media once again turning against him with a vengeance and influencing the minds of Americans – who, unfortunately, have an average IQ of 98,” he writes.

However, Cumia saves his harshest criticism for the last chapter, in which he denounces what he sees as the scourging cancel culture, which he says he himself has experienced.

When he was fired from SiriusXM in 2014 for making “racially motivated and hateful statements” on social media, Cumia started his own Compound Media Network instead. “I literally had to start a broadcasting company just so I could talk about things I wasn’t allowed to talk about on any other platform,” he writes.

“How crazy is that?”

In fact, Cumia now sees the country as being held hostage by special interest groups. “They make up a damn small percentage of the population, but they have the power to ruin your life,” he writes.

The key, he concludes, is to keep fighting. “You don’t have to agree or disagree with anyone’s opinion. But you should agree that people shouldn’t be fired and lose everything just for expressing their damn opinion. In conclusion: screw them!” — Gavin Newsham