
Nato vs. China: Blame game targets a “decisive factor” in Russia’s war in Ukraine

Nato vs. China: Blame game targets a “decisive factor” in Russia’s war in Ukraine

It further said that China poses a systemic challenge to Euro-Atlantic security, particularly through “persistent malicious cyber and hybrid activities”.

“Authoritarian leaders” in China, Iran and North Korea “all support Russia’s brutal war,” Stoltenberg told participants in the official celebrations on Tuesday.

And China’s alleged support for Russia would “harm its interests,” he said.

US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan underlined this message and warned the aforementioned opponents: “We are closely monitoring … the implications this has for the security of the Indo-Pacific and other parts of the world.”

Observers include NATO’s Indo-Pacific partners Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, which must balance their security concerns with their strong trade ties with China. Australia, for example, has been trying for two years to improve relations with its biggest trading partner, an effort that culminated in a visit by Chinese Premier Li Qiang last month.

Czech President Petr Pavel was equally emphatic, calling on his member states to support Washington “in its competition with China in all areas of the world.”

A Russian victory could strengthen China’s “geopolitical hand” and lead to a “more assertive and aggressive” stance, Pavel said.


China rejects NATO’s accusation that it provided “decisive support” to Russia in the Ukraine war

China rejects NATO’s accusation that it provided “decisive support” to Russia in the Ukraine war

Despite all the accusations, Beijing insists that it has not supplied weapons to Russia and that it strictly controls the export of dual-use equipment that could be reused in the conflict.

Before the celebrations began, China said NATO’s actions were a “Defamation” and “blame”, Critics should abandon their “Cold War mentality and zero-sum game,” “stop spreading panic on security issues and creating imaginary enemies,” and “stop forming exclusive clubs in the name of collective defense.”

“NATO’s so-called security is mostly built on the insecurity of others and exposes the world and entire regions to high security risks,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian said on Tuesday.

“We call on NATO to develop the correct perception of China … and play a constructive role for global peace, stability and development,” Lin said.