
It’s not uncommon to love hacking

It’s not uncommon to love hacking

Most of what we do here at Hackaday is look for cool projects and then describe them for all of you to hear about. Nothing is better than being excited about a clever hack and then being able to share it with tens of thousands of like-minded people. Sure, it’s our job, but we really do it because we love sharing. And it’s clear that you all do too! Finally, We write the hacks that You Document for us.

We recently featured a hack where the guy who did the work in question said he didn’t think it was “Hackaday worthy.” (Of course it was!) And honestly, I don’t like that attitude at all, because a hack you enjoyed is worth sharing, if only to share the joy of it, and that came across perfectly.

Of course, we love to show the ultra-bold hacks that make the nearly impossible possible. But just as valuable are the simple hacks that inspire others to take some unusual path or another. Or even pieces that aren’t about a hack at all, but just about sharing something cool.

This week (Arya Voronova) wrote an article about her experience using MicroPython on embedded devices that clearly resonated with many of our readers. It’s not a deep dive into MicroPython or a ludicrous misuse of the language. Instead, it’s a simple “this is what I love about doing things this way,” and that’s a great perspective that often gets lost when we get lost deep in the technical details.

I had the same realization a few months ago at Hackaday Europe. At the lightning talks, almost everyone talked about cool projects they are working on, which is why they are absolutely worth watching. (Jaap Meijers) gave a wonderful talk about creating animated QR codes, but it wasn’t about how he invented animated QR codes, because he just used someone else’s project. Instead, it was about how great he thought someone else’s work was and how much he wanted to share it with us. (And now You I know that too.)

Epic hacks are awesome, no question. But the simple expression of love for hacking, whether in words or in dois just as important. Show us your work, but don’t forget to show us the joy you get from doing it.