
Pakistani singer’s misogynistic song condemned

Pakistani singer’s misogynistic song condemned

Every day we wake up hoping that society will treat women differently today. Yet, towards the end, we sit there and gasp, “Some things will never change.” In another humiliating incident that has shown the new low of patriarchy’s dominance over women, a Pakistani singer released a video about why girls should not go to school. The song, uploaded by YouTuber Hafiz Hasan Iqbal Chishti a few weeks ago is titled TThe title calls on people to take their daughters out of school because they were seen dancing there, which is not acceptable in Islam.

The context of the song

The song is said to suggest that people must take their daughters out of school if they don’t want them to become prostitutes. In the video, Chisti urges people to keep their daughters at home in purdah to save the izzat of families and daughters. According to the song, girls lose their sanctity and respect when they go to school.

The song begins with the context of a dance competition for girls and boys organized by UNESCO in a school in Pakistan. A clip is shown of a news anchor reading the news about the dance competition and then the anchor says:bacho and bachio“, the word bachio is highlighted by an echo effect. One can only wonder why “Bacho” was ignored.

People’s reactions

The video has been viewed 300,000 times and liked 3,000 times since its release, which is indeed worrying given the misogynistic content of the song. Does this mean that people “like” the idea of ​​not sending girls to school? Well, some people are supporting and praising the song.

People who condemn the song

Here you can find some screenshots.

There are also voices in the comments that strongly condemn the song.

Photo credit: hindi.opindia

One user wrote: “I am really very sorry that Pakistan is still suffering from this kind of mentality… Shame on you for your way of thinking… And the people who are supporting him in comments, think of your country and your daughters.”

Another condemned the video, commenting: “How dare he use such vile words against our sisters… He must be sacked… He also uses Haq Haq as background music and utters obscene words… He must be punished.”

Another expressed his dismay and commented, “I am really shocked to see this nonsense man. Education is a basic right for everyone whether it is a boy or a girl and this is not necessary. Any girl who is getting an education is doing bad things.” The user further wrote, “75% of people in Pakistan are filled with this extremist mentality that is why we are not progressing like other countries in the world. Mother is the first school of every child and she should be educated to become a good citizen.”

The fourth user expressed his shame, writing: “I am shocked at how this text attacks women. Shame on the people who support this. Why don’t you talk about men who also go to school… THIS IS NOT ISLAM. SHAME ON YOU.”

In fact, a YouTuber released another video as a counterattack to Chisti’s song. The video was posted on the YouTube channel Ex-Muslim Zafar Heretic, saying that singing is also not acceptable in Islam. The video said: “Let me tell the songwriter that music is also haram in Islam.”