
At the NATO summit, Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski comments on the Ukraine war

At the NATO summit, Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski comments on the Ukraine war

Hear: Does Ukraine have the strength, stamina and support to win the war against Russia? GZERO World Podcast, Ian Bremmer met with the Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski on the sidelines of NATO’s 75th anniversary summit in Washington, DC, for his perspective on the war, European unity and whether NATO allies can stay united long enough to lead Ukraine to victory. Despite uncertainty over the 2024 US elections, Ukraine’s struggle to recruit new troops and breakaway alliance member Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban After his meeting with Putin, Sikorski is confident that Ukraine will ultimately prevail.

Poland is a key part of that defense strategy. The country, which shares a 300-mile border with Ukraine, spends a larger percentage of its GDP on defense than any other NATO member, including the U.S., and has hosted nearly a million Ukrainian refugees. Sikorski says NATO is “back to basics” on its original mission to deter and defend an aggressive Russia, and Putin completely misjudged the strength of European and NATO unity in the run-up to the invasion. Two and a half years into a bloody, brutal war with no end in sight, ensuring unity remains rock solid for as long as Ukraine needs it is an urgent priority.

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