
Live updates on the 2024 election: Biden says at campaign rally in Michigan: “I’m running”

Live updates on the 2024 election: Biden says at campaign rally in Michigan: “I’m running”

Democratic Rep. Haley Stevens of Michigan said after President Biden’s rally in Detroit that Biden is “the only candidate with a proven ability to beat Donald Trump.”

Some who have watched the president behind closed doors are concerned about whether he can stay in office for another four years. Stevens’ pledge of support comes after she spent the morning with the president aboard Air Force One, where she said he “once again demonstrated his leadership and wisdom.”

“Now is the time to stay the course, work hard, make sure we defeat Donald Trump and protect our democracy for generations to come,” she said.

-Will McDuffie of ABC News

President Biden took the stage in this important swing state with the firm intention of proving his critics wrong.

Before 2,000 angry people in Detroit, an angry President Biden railed against Donald Trump in targeted attacks, challenged the press, outlined his first 100 days in office and tried to make it clear to his doubters that he is not leaving.

“Guys, I’m the candidate!” Biden yelled as the crowd erupted.

“I am the nominee because 14 million Democrats like you voted for me in the primaries. They made me the nominee. No one else, not the press, not the pundits, not the insiders, not the donors. You, the voters, decided, no one else. And I’m not going anywhere,” Biden said.

The President also outlined his agenda by announcing his plans for his “first 100 days in office.”

Biden promised to codify Roe v. Wade, ban assault weapons, pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and ensure that the rich pay their “fair share of taxes.”

-Mary Bruce, Molly Nagle and Will McDuffie of ABC News

President Joe Biden came out strongly against Donald Trump at his campaign rally in Detroit, Michigan on Friday.

Regarding his slip-ups during the NATO conference on Thursday, Biden said: “They’ve been ripping me apart because I sometimes mix up names. I’ll say: That’s Charlie, not Bill.”

On Thursday, Biden referred to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

During his press conference on Thursday, Biden referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as Donald Trump.

Biden drew attention to Trump’s history of name errors, saying, “Donald Trump has been given a free pass.”

“I guess you don’t remember Trump calling Nikki Haley Nancy Pelosi,” Biden said.

“Donald, no more free passes,” Biden continued, adding, “Today we will put Donald Trump in the spotlight.”

During a campaign rally in Michigan on Friday evening, Biden reiterated his commitment to the election campaign.

“As you’ve probably noticed, there’s been a lot of speculation lately: What’s Joe Biden going to do?” he told the crowd. “Is he going to stay in the race? Is he going to drop out?”

“I am running and we will win,” he continued.

Biden said he would beat Trump again.

“I know him. Donald Trump is a loser,” he said.