
Rochester author wins Book of the Year award – ABC 6 News

Rochester author wins Book of the Year award – ABC 6 News

(ACB 6 News) – Rochester author Harriet Hodgson is receiving national recognition for her book, “Winning: A Story of Grief and Renewal.”

On Thursday, ABC 6 News Anchor Robin Wolfram met with Hodgson to talk about her new book and the inspiration behind writing it.

Hodgson began her writing career writing about health and wellbeing. During 2007, she lost four family members. This experience was the driving force that led her to turn her focus to the subject of grief. This latest edition is her eleventh book on the subject.

“My daughter and father-in-law died on the same weekend,” Hodgson said. “A few weeks later my brother died and then in the fall my grandchildren’s father died. So I went from health and well-being to grief and never thought I would write 11 books about it.”

Hodgson said she began writing this book after her husband passed away in 2020. She hopes readers will take away tips on how to help themselves through their grief journey, and that the book will also offer some laughs throughout.

Ultimately, though, Hodgson says grief is something that never really goes away, and she hopes this book can help people on their own journey.

“I don’t say recovery, because you never recover. It’s always a part of you,” Hodgson said.

“Winning: A Story of Grief and Renewal” is available in bookstores or online marketplaces such as Amazon.