
Joe Biden beats Trump in crucial Michigan as panic spreads among Democrats

Joe Biden beats Trump in crucial Michigan as panic spreads among Democrats

President Joe Biden called former President Donald Trump a “loser” during a campaign rally in Michigan on Friday, as a minority of Democrats continued to call for him to withdraw from the race.

Biden has vowed to remain the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee this year, despite facing intense pressure from some members of his own party to withdraw after weeks of backlash over his performance against Trump at the June 27 debate.

As of Friday, 20 sitting Democratic lawmakers had publicly called for his resignation, while another 24 former Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate penned an open letter urging him to release his delegates and support an “open” Democratic convention next month.

During a rally the same day in Michigan – a state that is expected to be crucial to Biden’s chances of defeating Trump for a second time – the president addressed the speculation surrounding his campaign, reiterated his commitment to staying in the race and promised to beat Trump in November.

Joe Biden beats Trump's Democrats in Michigan
President Joe Biden is seen during a rally in Detroit, Michigan, on Friday. Biden vowed to remain the Democratic presidential nominee in this year’s election and called former President Donald Trump a “loser”…


“You’ve probably noticed there’s been a lot of speculation lately: What is Joe Biden going to do? Is he going to stay in the race? Is he going to drop out of the race?” Biden told the crowd in Detroit. “Here’s my answer: I’m running and we’re going to win! I’m not going to change that.”

“I am the nominee of the Democratic Party and the only Democrat or Republican who has ever beaten Donald Trump,” he continued. “And I will beat him again. I know him. Donald Trump is a loser!”

The crowd was then heard chanting “Lock him up!”, likely a reference to Trump’s 34 felony convictions in New York and a “lock her up!” speech that Trump supporters have frequently used to attack former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

In an email to Newsweek On Friday evening, Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung responded to Biden’s comments by saying that the president “cannot even bring his own party into line” and was “delusional. He is suffering not only from significant mental deterioration, but also from a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

“Americans of all backgrounds are rallying around President Trump because they have seen what a disaster a Biden presidency would mean: skyrocketing inflation, an out-of-control border, and escalating crime in our communities,” Cheung continued.

This is a developing story and will be updated as more information becomes available.