
Chris Brown is angry at his online impersonator! | Real 106.1

Chris Brown is angry at his online impersonator! | Real 106.1

Chris Brown enjoys sharing photos of himself on Instagram and appearing on other people’s pages, as evidenced by a recent post featuring himself, his mother, and his father. However, he disapproves of individuals who attempt to imitate him online, whether they are openly pretending to be him or simply mimicking his style. He recently criticized a viral doppelgänger in the comments section of an Instagram post, telling the person to create their own identity. While this may seem excessive, the situation likely wouldn’t cause a stir if the person in question was an artist clearly influenced by him and not just a doppelgänger. In response to a doppelgänger’s post on Instagram, Chris Brown bluntly stated, “Imitating me is f***ing lame… you look like you’re missing a chromosome. BE YOU MY N***A… YOU COULD NEVER BE ME!” SO STOP IT BEFORE I KICK THE SHIT OUT OF YOU.” This exchange is just one example of controversial interactions with fans that have recently come to light. Chris Brown also shared a video of an alleged stalker making death threats, a disturbing incident. Despite these negative encounters, Chris Brown’s interactions with real fans are usually positive, such as the heartwarming meet-and-greets during his recent tour.

One memorable moment was when a woman jokingly accepted his mock proposal, kneeling with her hand outstretched to mimic a marriage proposal photo. The success of his tour was only occasionally marred by on-stage mishaps, likely witnessed by numerous lookalikes and imitators in the audience. These encounters underscore the need for individuals to embrace their own identities rather than mimic others, especially given the confrontational nature of recent interactions.