
John Ragan is a true patriot and a strong conservative voice in the 33rd congressional district of the Tennessee House of Representatives

John Ragan is a true patriot and a strong conservative voice in the 33rd congressional district of the Tennessee House of Representatives

About the publisher:

John Ragan is my candidate in the Republican primary for State Representative from the 33rd Congressional District. He is a double servant: first to our country as a career officer in the U.S. Air Force and then to the citizens of the 33rd Congressional District.

The Tennessee State Capitol in Nashville, Tennessee, Thursday, December 29, 2022.The Tennessee State Capitol in Nashville, Tennessee, Thursday, December 29, 2022.

The Tennessee State Capitol in Nashville, Tennessee, Thursday, December 29, 2022.

John Ragan is a true American patriot who dedicated his life to leadership, service and action. He has tirelessly defended our freedoms in the State of Tennessee and protected our interests in the County.

John Ragan continues to be a strong conservative voice, sponsoring bills such as HB2348, which would prohibit the use of public funds to support terrorist groups, HB1380, which would prohibit health care providers from administering a vaccination to minors without the written consent of the minor’s parent or guardian, and HB1661, which would make obscene materials, as democratically defined in the Community Standards, inaccessible to minors.

As a Navy veteran and true Tennessee Republican, I urge my fellow veterans and Republicans to support John Ragan, a true conservative who fearlessly represents our traditional American values ​​of free enterprise and small government. He remains committed to challenging morally corrupt organizations and amoral activists seeking to eliminate our freedoms and create a culture of Marxism in our state.

Because of his patriotism to the nation in and out of uniform, his strong faith, and his love of family, John has more than earned the full support of conservative voters in the Republican primaries.

Ernie Gonzales


This article originally appeared in the Knoxville News Sentinel: Letter to the Editor: Re-elect John Ragan to Tennessee House District 33.