
Michigan confirms sixth measles case of the year

Michigan confirms sixth measles case of the year

Three more cases of wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1) have been reported in Afghanistan, all from Kandahar, bringing the country’s total for the year to nine, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative said in its latest weekly update. The new cases put the country above the 2023 total of six.

Doctor assesses AFP
UK DFID/WHO Afghanistan/Flickr cc

Afghanistan is one of the few countries where WPV1 is still endemic. Last week, Pakistan, which also continues to battle the virus, reported more cases, also surpassing last year’s number. The country reported eight new environmental cases of WPV1 this week.

More vaccine-related cases in Africa and Yemen

Elsewhere, six countries, mostly in Africa, reported more polio cases linked to two different types of vaccines. Angola reported two cases of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) in two provinces, bringing the total for this year to five.

Chad reported one additional case, bringing the total for 2024 to five. The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) reported two additional cVDPV2 cases and the fifth infection with circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 1 (cVDPV1).

Guinea reported its fourth cVDPV2 case of the year and Mozambique reported its first cVDPV1 case of 2024. In the Middle East, Yemen reported six more cVDPV2 cases, 5 in Alhudaidah and 1 in Saadah, bringing the total to 21.