
The new major contract for Helldivers 2 offers the opportunity to divide the Automaton’s forces – a war on two fronts is a well-known successful tactic.

The new major contract for Helldivers 2 offers the opportunity to divide the Automaton’s forces – a war on two fronts is a well-known successful tactic.

The Helldivers have mastered their recent major missions with flying colors. The large-scale destruction of the Automatons on X-45 brought both a fancy new quad missile launcher and the mysterious promise of a “interplanetary battle station.” Players will have to wait and see what features the latter will offer (current speculation is some sort of clan system), but galactic war waits for no citizen, and the new Grand Contract promotes a real strategy beyond “blow them all up” for the first time. Although we’ll still be doing that.

First, the X-45 MO was quickly followed by a new MO that required players to kill 100 million Terminids: what they achieved in a breathtaking eight hoursThe result was the following success story from Super Earth, which was soon followed by another major order: