
Will Chris Evans return as Captain America? Answered

Will Chris Evans return as Captain America? Answered

Ever since Steve Rogers passed the mantle of Captain America to Sam Wilson, one question has been on fans’ minds: Will Chris Evans return? With constant rumors about all of the original Avengers returning, you can’t blame fans for asking this question.

Avengers: Endgame left many fans heartbroken because some of our beloved heroes were no longer around. Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) and Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) both had their goodbyes in the film. Tony made the sacrifice to stop Thanos, and Steve traveled back in time to spend the rest of his life with Peggy Carter. Although it was a nice goodbye at the time, fans hope to see them both again. And the Marvel Cinematic Universe has created opportunities for that.

There are several universes and we have seen several versions of heroes we currently have in the MCU roster, so why shouldn’t there be hope that Evans could return to the franchise? Maybe we could even see Steve Rogers back in time after he returned to Peggy Carter!

Now there is another group of fans who want Evans to return for their own weird racist reasons, but we’re going into this conversation with the assumption that the people asking for Evans’ return are doing so in good faith.

At the moment we have no solid information about this possibility. The last we heard was from Deadline in 2021 and said he would come back, but there were no details on whether the contracts were signed. Since then, rumors have been circulating that he will be in Secret wars. None of this has been confirmed.

All we know is that Evans said he was finished in the past and that there was an “exclusive” offer for Deadline in 2021 that he would return.

It would be fun!

I am someone who is curious about what Secret Wars brings us. Probably more for Tony Stark than Steve (for Riri Williams’ sake), but I’d still like to see Steve back in action. What I don’t want is for this to tarnish Sam Wilson’s (Anthony Mackie) time as Cap.

Another universe where Steve is still Captain America and he sees his friend wearing the mantle in another world? That would be great! But until we know more, we have a lot of hope and not a lot of answers.

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