
IDF discovers Hamas tunnel under Gaza City UNRWA headquarters, war rooms and weapons

IDF discovers Hamas tunnel under Gaza City UNRWA headquarters, war rooms and weapons

During a raid on a Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad combat complex in a former UNRWA compound, troops from a commando brigade combat team operating under the direction of the 99th Division discovered a terror tunnel running beneath the facility, the military said on Friday.

The Israeli military found that the tunnel, which had previously been discovered and attacked by Israeli troops, was of great use to Hamas’ military intelligence.

According to reports, the troops also uncovered an extensive terrorist infrastructure in the building.

According to the IDF, the weapons and infrastructure in the UNRWA complex also included war rooms for surveillance operations, parts for assembling drones, tactical drones, rockets, machine guns, mortars, explosives and grenades.

IDF troops operate near a Hamas-PIJ military complex embedded in the former UNRWA headquarters in Gaza City. July 12, 2024. (Source: IDF SPEAKER UNIT)

During further investigations of the area as part of ongoing military operations in the area, soldiers reportedly discovered an underground weapons and explosives factory.

This is an evolving story.