
Sex and love horoscope, week of July 12, 2024, Cosmo Sexoscope

Sex and love horoscope, week of July 12, 2024, Cosmo Sexoscope

What’s happening: The moon is in amorous Libra and Venus is in flamboyant Leo tonight, meaning there’s plenty of potential for romance and/or sexual activity—though there’s also a Venus/Pluto opposition that’s stirring up some drama. Any imbalances in your relationship dynamic are highlighted now, and Pluto’s intense energy practically forces you to react. very strong when problems arise.

The Moon enters mysterious Scorpio on Sunday and Venus forms a sesquisquare with Saturn. Communication becomes more difficult and self-doubt comes to the fore, making it hard to voice your wants/needs. Fiery Mars meets Uranus, the planet of novelty, on Monday and you’re desperate to break free from anything that’s holding you back. The Moon entering wild Sagittarius on Tuesday only reinforces this mood. On Thursday, all the turbulent astro weather is finally over and the Sun gently connects with Uranus. This brings you inspiration, positive thinking and bright ideas to solve any problems you’ve been facing this week.

What this means for *you*:


If you are single, be careful who you sleep with! You are feeling particularly lonely right now. Finding someone to flirt or fool around with is not a problem, but finding the right partner, Right person. There are people who want to take advantage of you and then abandon you. Take it easy and check your options first. Whether you are single or not, the stars tell you that now not the time to make big decisions or take unnecessary risks. Make sure you don’t miss any warning signs.


It’s as if you only itching for a fight, Taurus. You’re not the type to strike first, but you’re sick of the inconveniences and disappointments in your love life. Oh, you got ghosted? Now you want to blow up their phone and tell them what you think. Oh, your partner didn’t put the dishes away like they promised? Now you want to mention EVERY time they forgot and say exactly how much that annoys you. Maybe you’re single and dating isn’t going so well. You might ghost someone else or ignore your current potential lovers just to make them feel the same way. I suggest staying calm unless you really want to ruin your love life. Be cooperative, not confrontational. Be direct and honest, not passive-aggressive and sarcastic. These problems can be solved, but freaking out won’t get you anywhere. Try to keep your cool and have a conversation, not an argument.


The Moon in Libra this weekend activates the zone of romance, sex, and fun in your chart, making sex feel even better and romance even more passionate. Unfortunately, Pluto’s influence distorts the mood. If you’re happily single, there might be a little drama (issues with an ex, thanks to Mars), but you’ll likely end the week relatively unscathed. If you’re in a relationship and everything’s going well, expect a few minor disagreements – nothing you can’t handle. But if you’re in a relationship/situation where things aren’t going so rosy, a breakup could very easily happen now. On the plus side, Venus in Leo is great for forming new love connections, so finding a comfort won’t be a problem at all.


You’re feeling particularly insecure right now. If you’re in a happy, healthy relationship, I recommend leaning on your partner—they’ll give you the support you need. If you’re single or in a not-so-great relationship, you’re desperate for human connection. You might hop into bed with the first person who says something nice to you, even if you’re not normally one for one-night stands. If you’re with a crappy partner, you might even feel pressured to hook up with someone on the side to compensate. This may all sound great in the moment, but when the week is over, you’ll look back and realize you did it. notactually make the best choice. Treat yourself, your partner and your relationship(s) with the grace and patience they deserve. Do things right. Thursday’s astro is optimistic and pleasant compared to the rest of the week, so will be able to find a solution. Whether that means talking things out or breaking up is not yet clear.


Venus in your sign makes you an absolute woman magnet, but be careful while you’re scouting out all those new potential lovers. You and the other person probably don’t want the same thing, and if you don’t talk about it, it can end in heartbreak. If you’re looking for no-strings-attached sex, tell the other person. If you’re looking for love, you need to be upfront about it — otherwise you’ll feel very lonely after saying they just wanted something casual. Communication is key this week. There is potential for excitement, but you need to be honest and open about what you want to avoid potential drama.


Listen. You need to stop comparing your current partners to your past lovers. The only thing you’re doing is causing yourself and others a ton of anxiety. If the first thing you do after a date is ask yourself how your ex would have behaved on that date, you’re doing it wrong. First, he’s your ex for a reason, and second, this is a whole new person and a whole different relationship. You need to move on and focus on what’s right in front of you. However, if you’re noticing a number of warning signs in your current partner that are similar to those of an ex, now is the time to abandon ship and run!


As The Sign for relationships, you tend to lose yourself in a connection, no matter how casual or serious it is. Before you know it, you’re changing your behavior to become the person your partner/crush thinks you want. You are the mirror of the zodiac – you are the best at adapting to the energy of others, but you run the risk of completely changing your attitude, habits and behavior for someone else. When you date someone, they are Are You will notice how much your personality changes over time. Your friends and family may notice it too. You can be yourself, Libra! If someone doesn’t like it, you don’t have to change – it just means it’s time to move on. There are plenty of people who would love to love Younot a fictitious person.


You’re feeling very avoidant right now, Scorpio. You have two options: First, you can let your fear of intimacy take over and start letting people on “read,” closing yourself off to your partner, and/or playing games with someone just to get a little attention. Orrrrrrrrr… you might not. If you’re not ready for intimacy, don’t make promises you can’t keep. If you’re in a relationship, at least tell your partner that you need some alone time and that you’ll talk about it when you’re ready, rather than shutting yourself off. The astro at the end of the week is much nicer. It will get you out of that mood and allow you to continue your love life with more confidence.


This weekend’s Venus/Pluto action allows for intense new connections, mind-blowing sex, and meaningful romantic experiences. The problem is, this astro also has the potential for manipulation, drama, and heartbreak. Before you take the plunge and start doing dirty things or dating someone new, make sure you know their intentions! Are they here to have a little fun, or do they want to stick around? If you don’t ask them, you’ll never know! You’re feeling a little self-doubt and hesitation this week, and that makes you very anxious. Try to overcome that fear, start that important conversation, and make sure you can lay out everything necessary to get this relationship – no matter how casual or serious – started off on the right foot. There is no room for doubt right now.


You are having some difficulties when it comes to intimacy at the moment. This could mean that you/your partner are suffering from “fear of failure”, that you are having a hard time getting in the mood or that you are feeling very insecure. This happens with all from time to time, but it really annoys you – maybe even overwhelming You. Here’s the good news: This astro is temporary, so even if you are unable to discuss this with your partner, everything will return to normal by the end of the week. Speaking of the end of the week, there are some great astros that can put things back in order extra hot. The Mars/Uranus action is taking place in the sexiest part of your chart, so your libido is in overdrive, your stamina is almost endless, and you also have a very sexy mood that others simply can’t resist!


people are very attracted to you, Aquarius—why can’t you see it? There’s a lot of emphasis on self-doubt in your chart right now, and it’s probably hampering your love life. You find yourself withdrawing from the people you’re socializing with because you think, “What if they don’t like me as much as I like them?” Or you’re distancing yourself from your partner because you ask, “What if I’m not good enough for them? They deserve better.” Ignore those nasty thoughts, Aquarius. Focus on the positive treatment you receive from others, and your feelings are likely to change. If you hold on to that “I’m not good enough” mindset, others will never have the opportunity to give you the attention you crave!


Venus is currently in the most practical and productive zone of your birth chart, urging you to take a realistic attitude towards your love life and actually work to improve it. If you want love, don’t settle for one-night stands. If you want a fulfilling relationship but are tied down to a POS partner, now is the time to break up. If you want to take things to the next level with your sweetheart, you need to tell him. You can bring a lot of magic into your love life now, especially with the exciting Sun/Uranus connection at the end of the week, but you need to deal with the very real issues that lie ahead first. Adjust your habits, get serious about it, and get to work –Then Your love life can actually be fun again!