
Fans are looking for the missing piece of the puzzle of “A Song of Ice and Fire”

Fans are looking for the missing piece of the puzzle of “A Song of Ice and Fire”

The famous fantasy author, now infamous in Twitter comments, George RR Martin, has decided to delight the world with a brand new look for his popular book series, A Song of Ice and Fire. You heard right – new covers. Because what fans want is a fresh coat of paint for the old books, not the long-awaited conclusion to the story.

The new design, which Martin said “attempts to capture the immensity of Westeros and the perilous journey readers will experience,” has only further excited the fanbase.

Linocut artist Mark Seekins and designer Tim Green were involved in the design process, with art direction by David G. Stevenson.

The reaction on social media was nothing short of devastating, with one fan aptly commenting: “Cover?? COVERS???

George, we said Winds of Winter… No new covers…”

Another said: “He does everything except write his own book.”

Another frustrated reader summed it up like this: “Instead of making new covers, you should rework the last two books, both of which are a slog, full of endless descriptive paragraphs and chapters that have so little to do with the actual plot. It’s clear why the TV series has declined so much in the last two seasons.”

One person commented: “This Friday, July 12th, it will be 13 years since the last book came out. It’s almost certain that ASOIAF will never be finished.”

It’s becoming increasingly likely that A Song of Ice and Fire will never have a real ending. As one fan put it so aptly: “Why would anyone buy this story that will never have an ending?”

Martin reassured readers about his upcoming novel by saying:

“When WINDS OF WINTER is finished, word won’t get around, there WILL be a big announcement… where and when, I can’t say yet,”

George RR Martin’s long-awaited sixth book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series, The Winds of Winter, continues to be delayed. The fantasy author has revealed that the novel is still in the works and he has not yet set a release date.

This book has been in development since 2010, and Martin has provided numerous updates on its progress over the years. However, in his latest blog post, he addressed the speculation that arose after he mentioned meeting with his editor in London last year. Martin apologized to his fans and explained that these trips were simply part of his normal publishing routine – a chance to meet with the people he works with, and not a sign of an impending book release.

The author stressed that his communication with editors and publishers is usually done digitally, and these in-person meetings are simply a way to maintain relationships and enjoy a nice meal. Martin assured fans that the announcement when “The Winds of Winter” is finally finished will be a big deal, but he can’t give a timeline for when that might happen.

“Last year, when I mentioned that I’d met my Voyager editor in London, the internet went crazy, coming up with all sorts of theories about how that meant WINDS OF WINTER was finished and a big announcement was coming. Errrrr… sorry, guys, but no. That’s not how it works. Making contacts… which often turn into friendships… is a big part of publishing. Most of my communication with my editors and publishers is via emails, phone calls, Zooms, and texts (we used to have paper letters too)…

… This is just the normal way of doing business, folks. It does NOT mean there is a significant announcement coming. In fact, it means nothing…except a desire to meet, catch up, refresh old contacts or make new ones…and enjoy a nice meal,” Martin said.

In 2022, Martin announced that The Winds of Winter was “three-quarters finished.” In case you want to read what has already been written, it says that the first 11 chapters of the upcoming novel have been released in various places. Martin has made various statements about the novel’s release date in the past, but none of them have come to pass, which is probably why he is currently keeping his mouth shut when it comes to the book’s release. As for working with HBO, the author has confirmed that the book will be different from what we have seen so far.