
Israel’s war against Gaza live: Shujayea in Gaza City uninhabitable after fierce fighting | News on the Israel-Palestine conflict

Israel’s war against Gaza live: Shujayea in Gaza City uninhabitable after fierce fighting | News on the Israel-Palestine conflict

Fighters from Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and National Resistance Brigades continued to resist the Israeli military’s latest ground offensive in the Gaza neighborhood of Tal al-Hawa, war observers said.

Palestinian fighters used shoulder-fired thermobaric rockets and “tandem grenades” in attacks on Israeli troops and tanks in Tal al-Hawa on Thursday, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) and the Critical Threats Project (CTP) reported in their daily battlefield assessment.

In central Gaza, according to the US-based defense think tanks, Israeli aircraft flew strikes on suspected Hamas targets, while Palestinian fighters fired mortar shells at Israeli forces stationed in the Netzarim Corridor south of Gaza. In the southern city of Rafah, Hamas and PIJ fighters attacked Israeli tanks with anti-tank grenades, and sniper fire targeted Israeli troops, according to the ISW/CTP report.

They report that at least seven rocket salvos were fired from Gaza towards southern Israel on Thursday.

Still image from a video released by Hamas.
A still from a video released by Hamas shows a Palestinian fighter aiming an anti-tank grenade launcher at an Israeli tank during a clash with Israeli forces in Gaza in November 2023 (Handout/Hamas military wing via Reuters)