
Call to local telecommunications partners

Call to local telecommunications partners

Is the voice dead?

Thirty years ago, alternative forms of data transmission (wavelengths, Internet access, MPLS, SD-WAN, dark fiber, etc.) and the subsequent movement for digital communications applications have pushed voice communications out of the spotlight (and as a former network executive who was long responsible for the proliferation of this technology, I should know).

But the voice is definitely back.

Software automation, artificial intelligence and other new technologies, along with consumers’ growing need to actually speak to a human, have repositioned international voice communications as the backbone of every enterprise contact center function.

Today, the telecom supply chain is extensive and the stakes are high. With the voice channel more powerful than ever, network operators must be well positioned to offer the best (and get the most out of) the market.

Multinational companies rely on voice as the ideal, real-time, two-way channel to serve and sell to customers anywhere in the world. This means voice is also part of a company’s digital transformation strategy and migration to the cloud. Industries from travel to manufacturing to financial services to healthcare are struggling with omnichannel strategies and engineering workflows that rely on a stable telecom supply chain for success.

For businesses, leveraging the value of high-quality customer conversations now goes well beyond ensuring a clear connection. Integrating voice into larger, multi-channel customer service and communications applications that enhance the customer experience can increase customer loyalty and revenue.

Network operators are listening

Cloud voice technology, services and solutions have become essential priorities for multinational companies seeking to do business in all parts of the world. In addition to changing technology stacks, global enterprises are also evolving the way they buy, configure and manage voice. As enterprises struggle to manage fragmented voice services, call quality and integrations, they are increasingly looking for vendors and solutions that support these large-scale goals.

It is no surprise that local telcos that provide traditional voice services are paying more attention to the proliferation of new cloud voice platforms and the shifting of voice contact center workflows to the cloud. It is a recognition of their role in delivering high-quality calls to end customers of cloud platform providers. For example, cloud platforms require country-specific partnerships and access to virtual number ranges to provide stable, compliant and secure voice services – important things that carriers can support.

5G Industrial Metaverse
5G Industrial Metaverse

Voice platform providers enable growth for local operators

Cloud voice platform partners offer companies a unified portfolio that can be used to expand local voice service in the country as part of a comprehensive software and services package.

  • Unified global reach: Companies no longer need to procure phone numbers for each country individually. Software platforms with large coverage areas and strong local relationships ensure reliable and seamless number portfolios and networks, reduce administration overhead and improve voice performance.
  • Improved call quality and reliability: Advanced voice stream technology and robust integration features deliver superior call quality and minimize latency and jitter, enabling businesses to maintain high-quality interactions regardless of their customers’ location.
  • Advanced fraud monitoring: Best-in-class cloud platforms have strict standards for voice traffic use cases and client types that are allowed to use their software. Because cloud voice providers have access to their customers’ voice traffic patterns globally and at the number level, they can apply sophisticated fraud detection algorithms, saving customers and telecom partners time and money. These practices ensure a clean use case and stable growth for local telecom providers.
  • Global number portability: A key best practice for cloud voice platforms is powerful number porting capabilities. Porting allows new voice traffic to be moved from physical to virtual services within the country to further increase revenue growth.

Voice increases revenues for local network operators

Telecom providers play a critical role in the new communications ecosystem by adding value to multinational companies and ultimately securing and growing revenue in the segment. Cloud voice providers rely on best-in-class local provider partners to help them deploy products, manage in-country customer preferences, navigate regulatory issues and ensure nationwide coverage.

The essential offerings of local telecommunications partners include:

  • Innovative language products: Multinational companies have many inbound and outbound call use cases that they need to handle on a global scale. This means they need to have access to phone numbers, including international toll-free numbers, local DID numbers, and two-way local caller ID numbers. The more offerings (regulations permitting) a carrier can provide, the more likely a company is to be able to consolidate with a platform provider. Sometimes this can mean working together on a solution to help a customer operate effectively. In addition, the most advanced operators make it easier to do business with them by using software and APIs that automate the procurement and tracking of voice solutions.
  • Expertise on local regulations: Telecom providers should proactively support cloud platforms with information on regulatory changes, improvements and general compliance. In addition, local operators in the country can provide advice on local customs, preferences and practices related to voice services.
  • Strong customer support: Voice is a mission-critical application for contact centers – minutes or hours of downtime can result in significant revenue loss and brand damage. Operating a 24/7 service environment is critical to being selected as a local partner.

5G Industrial Metaverse
5G Industrial Metaverse

Cooperation opportunities are a win-win situation

Telecom companies can partner with international cloud voice platforms to gain a strong position with multinational companies. This important segment has unique needs, whether it be product innovation, managing regulations or additional layers of support.

In an industry where the pace of change is inexorable, telecom operators that form strategic alliances with cloud voice providers can not only keep up, but lead the way. These collaborations are the blueprint for future success, enabling telcos to deliver seamless, high-quality voice solutions on a global scale, regardless of which part of the network they support.