
Xdinary Heroes explore “LOVE and FEAR” in Open ♭eta v6.2

Xdinary Heroes explore “LOVE and FEAR” in Open ♭eta v6.2

Last month, Xdinary Heroes surprised us with the release of a new digital single. And indeed, “Boy Comics” was the first in a series of digital singles. Before we knew it, Xdinary Heroes announced the second: “LOVE and FEAR”.

Although “Boy Comics” was a fun, upbeat song, it has nothing on the dark and brooding atmosphere that “LOVE and FEAR” offers us. Xdinary Heroes are no strangers when it comes to darker songs. They constantly use the emo genre and are known for loving and covering bands like My Chemical Romance or Bring Me The Horizon. And “LOVE and FEAR” is the perfect song for anyone who loves this side of Xdinary Heroes’ discography.

“Love and Fear”

“LOVE and FEAR” explores the duality of falling in love and being attached to someone. They sing about a toxic relationship that gives them comfort but still hurts them. “LOVE and FEAR” perfectly depicts a back and forth between love and hate, which the music video expresses beautifully by switching between one aesthetic in white and another in red. The emotions are raw, unfiltered and angsty. They mix it with a heavy instrumental, unique melodies and striking vocals. It makes for a perfect combination of an emo song and a J-rock song.

In the first digital single, we got a teaser with “XH_winds_75” as the second track. This time, we have “XH_sand_75” with 29 seconds of smooth guitar riff. While we have no confirmation on where these teasers are going, it seems like a song is slowly building up through their compilation. It also follows the same idea seen on the cover of each digital single. The second digital single complements the first. There are some theories that each teaser represents one of the four elements: winds are air and sand is earth. But only time will tell what’s next for Xdinary Heroes. Putting “Boy Comics” and “LOVE and FEAR” side by side shows how diverse Xdinary Heroes’ discography is and how far their talent reaches. Whatever comes next, we know we’ll be blown away – and we can’t wait.

Was “LOVE and FEAR” what you expected? Do you like it as much as we do? Be sure to let us know by tweeting us at @thehoneypop or visit us on Facebook and Instagram.

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