
New comics and non-fiction books in July as well as news on young adult books, July 11, 2024

New comics and non-fiction books in July as well as news on young adult books, July 11, 2024

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Kelly is a former librarian and longtime blogger at STACKED. She is the editor/author of (DON’T) CALL ME CRAZY: 33 VOICES START THE CONVERSATION ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH and the editor/author of HERE WE ARE: FEMINISM FOR THE REAL WORLD. Her next book, BODY TALK, will be released in fall 2020. Follow her on Instagram @heykellyjensen.

Hello, young readers!

Almost everyone is talking about how hot it is because it’s summer, and instead of agreeing with that (true) refrain, how about this: have you ever taken a walk and seen nature blooming right now? I’ve been letting my daughter run around outside after school lately and using that time to really enjoy the world around me. My lavender is blooming (and it smells so good), I have milkweeds that attract all the bumblebees to the garden, the little bunnies are becoming little bunnies, and I even had a big dragonfly hanging out on the underside of a plant in my home garden. The cicadas the media was obsessed with really weren’t a big deal either, except that many other insects are thriving this year because the birds have had so much fun with them – check out the earwigs!

Now that you’ve got the Midwest Nature Report, how about what you’re actually here for: books. Today, let’s dive into the comics and nonfiction books hitting shelves in July, and then take a look at the latest news in young adult books.

Bookworm Jewelry

Image courtesy of CherylTeganDesigns on Etsy

I love colorful bookmarks and these two stamp-themed ones are especially great. Grab one for $3.

New comics and non-fiction books for July 2024

Let’s take a look at all the young adult comics and nonfiction books hitting shelves this month. The undated titles below are available now, while the dated titles are coming soon.

This is a really fun collection of titles. We’ve got nonfiction about pay equity in women’s soccer, paired with a comic book adaptation of a young adult fantasy classic, a surprising twist at a church youth group, a funny cat, and more. Note that while this list includes many white authors, this doesn’t reflect the greater diversity in young adult comics and nonfiction.

First test coverFirst test cover

First test by Tamora Pierce, illustrated by Becca Farrow

Pierce’s The protector of the little ones The series will be adapted as a graphic novel. Tortall has made a new rule that allows women to train as knights, and Keladry will be the first to benefit. She knows it will be a lot of work, but the challenge that worries her is not the work of a page. It is Lord Wyldon who does not believe that women should have the right to become knights. As a training master, he has too much influence – and the consequences for Keladry are not small. She will be forced to undergo a year-long test that none of her male colleagues have ever undergone. But Kel will fight until she succeeds.

the cover of the Ghostkeeper bookthe cover of the Ghostkeeper book

The Ghost Guardian by Johanna Taylor (23.7.)

Dorian Leith sees ghosts, but no one in town believes him. But Dorian doesn’t just see ghosts. He’s there to listen to their problems and give them access to the afterlife.

For the townspeople, it’s all just a joke. The only people who believe in him and his abilities are his grandmother, who helps him earn a living through work (she’s dead, by the way), and the owner of a local bookstore. For Dorian, this is not a curse. It’s his destiny.

When the key to Death’s Door is lost and all the ghosts are locked out of the afterlife, the ghosts beg Dorian to take action. Only he knows their problem, which means only he knows how to solve it and find the key. If they can’t get to the afterlife, they will be consumed by the rot.

Dorian wants to help them, but he will need help himself to achieve this. Can he convince the people in his real life about the ghosts? About their need for help? Or will all Are you struggling with the effects of ghost rot whether you’re alive or trying to find an afterlife?

A Bigger Goal – Book CoverA Bigger Goal – Book Cover

A Bigger Goal: The Epic Fight for Equal Pay in Women’s Football – and Beyond by Elizabeth Rusch

Despite the passage of Title IX, which allowed women to play in more professional sports, women were routinely underpaid and poorly treated compared to their male counterparts. This book is about how the women who played on the U.S. women’s national soccer team fought for equal pay and treatment through their union and by working with the men’s team (and this contract, which gave them equal pay, didn’t come about until 2022!!!).

Combine reading this book with Karen Blumenthal’s fantastic Let Me Play: The Story of Title IX: The Law That Changed the Future of Girls in America.

Book cover “Our beautiful darkness”Book cover “Our beautiful darkness”

Our beautiful darkness by Ondjaki, illustrated by António Jorge Gonçalves, translated by Lyn Miller-Lachmann (23.7.)

In 1990s Angola, in the midst of a civil war, a neighborhood power outage leads a teenage boy and a teenage girl to strike up a conversation in a backyard. The darkness provides the two with an opportunity to share some of their most vulnerable stories and feelings, creating a bond stronger than electricity itself.

This is a translation from Portuguese and one of the few comics for teens that is available in translation (that would be a great topic for a newsletter, right?).

Sparks book coverSparks book cover

Sparks Volume 1: Portals by Revel Guts (7/16)

Philo is not a good student, and it’s not because he doesn’t have any skills – they’re, um, too good – but because he’s just unmotivated. But he’s about to graduate and his lack of ambition is catching up with him.

Atlas is a model student and the polar opposite of Philo in almost every way. When the two work together on a group project, things go awry when Philo’s magic sends them far from home. Can they overcome their differences and return before it’s too late?

Wehe book coverWehe book cover

Woe: The desperate story of a house cat by Lucy Knisley

Knisley started this comic series online and told the story of a house cat named Linney. Linney is dramaticto say the least. This book contains the original webcomics and offers readers a hilarious look into the world of a cat who has a whole lot to say.

Book cover of the youth groupBook cover of the youth group

Youth group by Jordan Morris, illustrated by Bowen McCurdy (7/16)

Kay’s mother forces her to join the church youth group. Kay is not looking forward to the clean “fun,” especially since she has about as little to do with youth groups as you can imagine.

But when Kay learns that her peers and the leaders of the youth group are taking part in an exorcism, her perspective changes. A war is brewing. A secret war. The youth group prepares for battle.

As much as Kay wants to stay out of all this, she can’t help it. She doesn’t have the power that her peers have, and in this war, that means she’s a target. Now she has to put her trust and her time in the hands of her youth group, in this comic compared to The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina And Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

YA Book News

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As always, thanks for joining us. See you later this week to talk more about young adult books and book news.

Happy reading!