
Woman sentenced to three years in prison for stabbing her friend

Woman sentenced to three years in prison for stabbing her friend

Posted at 11:03 am, July 11, 2024

COLUMBUS, Ohio (Court TV) — A young woman who stabbed a teenager to death during an argument has been sentenced to three years in prison, the maximum sentence she faced in a plea deal with prosecutors.

Bryanna Barozzini speaks in court

Bryanna Barozzini spoke in court during her sentencing hearing on July 11, 2024. (Court TV)

Bryanna Barozzini, 20, pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter after initially being charged with the murder of Halia Culbertson, 17, who was stabbed to death on March 26, 2023. Prosecutors acknowledged that Culbertson was the perpetrator in the incident that led to her death and said she challenged Barozzini to a fight after the two encountered each other in a tobacco shop.

When Culbertson was asked to leave the store, she waited outside for Barozzini. As Barozzini left the store, Culbertson continued to press for a fight and punched Barozzini in the face. Surveillance video shown in court showed Barozzini backing away after the punch before pulling out a knife and attacking.

“She didn’t want to get involved at all,” said Barozzini’s lawyer at the verdict. “She was afraid.”

Culbertson’s mother addressed the court with an emotional statement, telling the judge that Barozzini’s actions amounted to a “heartbreaking betrayal of a young life taken by someone who was once my best friend. My daughter was not killed by a faceless stranger, but by someone once trusted and loved, a friend who knew her, understood her, and shared countless moments of her life with her. This betrayal makes the loss even more profound, as this was not a random act of violence, but a calculated decision by someone who was supposed to protect and cherish her.”

Prosecutors told the judge that Barozzini’s actions were motivated by anger and urged him to give her the maximum sentence. If Barozzini had been convicted of murder, she would have faced life in prison. The maximum sentence for the reduced charge of involuntary manslaughter was three years.

Before her verdict, Barozzini told the court: “Not a day goes by that I don’t think about this incident. … I can now understand and appreciate the damage I caused. I will live with this guilt for the rest of my life.”

The three-year sentence was not enough for Culbertson’s mother. She told the judge: “This is not just about justice for a victim. It is about recognizing the deep personal breach of trust, the devastating impact that such a loss has on a family. My daughter’s death is a haunting reminder of how trust can be shattered in the most unexpected ways. And it is vital for the court to consider this grave betrayal as part of the pursuit of justice for her.”