
More Property of/Baseball Club T-Shirts

More Property of/Baseball Club T-Shirts

More Property of/Baseball Club T-Shirts

A little over a week ago, UW Designer/Buddy/Loyal Walter Helper shared a little project with us where he created a line of “Ownership of the/Baseball Club T-Shirts”.

There were countless answers, and that prompted Mr. Helfer to come up with a few new ones. If you missed that part, or just want to refresh your knowledge on how Walter set this up, please click the link above.

Here is Walter with …

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Before Fanatics: The Property of/Baseball Club T-Shirt, Part II
by Walter Helfer

The response to the last batch of grey marl “Property Of” fabrics was pretty good and a reader’s suggestion led me to make another batch of five designs.

Cleveland Guardian

Obvious oversight on my part, they are another team that didn’t exist when this cliche faded from the scene.


Tampa Bay Devil Rays

The Devil Rays Mark II adopted the forest green and blue-violet color scheme. This is a bit tricky because both colors are affected by my color blindness and appear the same under certain conditions.


Arizona Diamondbacks

I’m actually only interested in the versions of this team that have the name “Diamondbacks” written on them.


Hot Springs Varsity Athletics

My favorite city name in the U.S. is Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. I wanted to squeeze it onto the front of a t-shirt, but the most important athletic presence is the high school, which was founded decades before the new name was adopted in Hot Springs in 1950. Regardless, it looks good with the Todd Radom-style lettering that emphasizes the “H” and the “S.” Go Tigers!


Team Sportsball Club

Work with me here: “Team” uses the old Cleveland baseball font from the mid-1970s. A recent visit to the MLB superstore in New York City showed that Cleveland is the only team that doesn’t have vintage apparel. But my depiction is copyright infringement, even if it is more compromised than some fans would like. My advice: If you’re sick of ever seeing a team called “Indians” again, you should start following cricket, where India is a superpower.

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Thanks, Walter. Another great load!

Readers? Your opinion?