
Customer Support Technology Value Matrix 2024: Nucleus Research

Customer Support Technology Value Matrix 2024: Nucleus Research

As core CRM functions have evolved, customer support-specific technology has become essential to improve the customer experience by automating tasks such as case management, knowledge management, and omnichannel support. Customer support technology encompasses a wide range of features that are critical to delivering exceptional customer experiences, including case management, knowledge management, omnichannel support, routine task automation, real-time analytics, self-service portals, and AI-driven support capabilities. These features are designed to increase the efficiency of support teams, improve response times, and ensure consistent and personalized customer interactions.

“With the integration of AI, the market’s focus has shifted from simply improving agent efficiency to improving overall customer satisfaction through advanced ticket routing, predictive analytics and proactive engagement,” said Senior Analyst Cameron Marsh. “Real-time data processing and natural language processing (NLP) enable instant adjustments to support strategies based on live customer interactions and feedback for more intuitive and effective customer communication management.”

When evaluating customer support technology providers, emphasis is placed on usability and functionality. The focus is on criteria such as ease of use, flexibility, integration with existing systems, scalability to meet growing support needs, comprehensive analytics without the need for additional add-ons, quality of customer support and availability of industry-specific features.

The leaders in this year’s Value Matrix offer advanced features without sacrificing usability. They include Microsoft, ServiceNow, Talkdesk and Zendesk.

The experts in this year’s Value Matrix are organizations that deliver value to customers with complex use cases through comprehensive functionality and industry-specific capabilities. These include Oracle, Pega and Salesforce.

The accelerators in this year’s Value Matrix deliver value through increased ease of use and rapid implementation. These include Creatio, Freshworks, SugarCRM and Zoho.

Core vendors deliver core functionality with faster and more cost-effective adoption. This year’s Value Matrix core vendors are HubSpot and SAP.

Click here to download the full Customer Support Technology Value Matrix 2024.

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