
Maryland residents raise concerns about planned new power lines

Maryland residents raise concerns about planned new power lines

BALTIMORE — An environmentally conscious modernization of Maryland’s power grid will require more than 70 miles of overhead lines through several counties.

The Maryland Piedmont Reliability Project will connect an existing transmission line in northern Baltimore County and extend through Carroll County into southern Frederick County.

The proposed project aims to help alleviate the growing strain on the region’s electricity grid.

However, local residents say they do not agree with this project.

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Attendees at Tuesday’s informational meeting told WJZ they didn’t like what they heard and had no idea the project was in the works.

Local residents are also concerned about the impact on their property and their lives.

“It’s absolutely infuriating,” said Baltimore County resident Gail Meerdter.

At the Hereford Volunteer Fire Department, where the meeting was held, there was great frustration over plans to build 70 miles of new overhead power lines through three counties.

“I don’t want to see anything like that anywhere,” said Lisa Carton, owner of Black Locust Farm Brewery.

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However, maps show that the new lines will run through farmland and areas such as Gunpowder Falls State Park and Prettyboy Reservoir.

“I am an organic farmer. Several of my fields would be destroyed. And because of the power lines that they spray, I would no longer be able to run my farm as an organic farm,” says farmer Charlotte Hetterick.

Company representatives told WJZ that the project is crucial to reducing the growing strain on the regional power grid.

Everyone’s opinion will be taken into account, it was said.

“We are pleased that there was such a large turnout,” said project manager Jason Kalwa. “We received a lot of feedback that we will incorporate into the route.”

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Local residents want the lines to be connected to existing power lines because the environmental impacts extend beyond the power grid.”

“The only way we can beat this thing is by supporting the community, and we have to fight it,” Leigh Finney said.

The company plans to hold further meetings in Westminster and Brunswick this week.