
“I am still myself, even though I have gained wisdom. My aim is to remain curious” – The Irish Times

“I am still myself, even though I have gained wisdom. My aim is to remain curious” – The Irish Times

In a world where ageing is increasingly less valued, there is no such thing as a “typical” older person, according to the World Health Organization. And yet society continues to make assumptions about what ageing entails, creating barriers to opportunities, support and rights for older people.

Part of a series on aging, featuring people’s stories and expert views.

Research from the recent Global Report on Ageism shows that children as young as four years old internalise these stereotypes. Factors that cause age discrimination include age, gender, education, occupation, personality, knowledge and a lack of contact between generations.

Ageism is now considered one of the most pervasive prejudices in the world. Age Action’s 2022 report, ‘Reframing Ageing: The state of ageing in Ireland’, states that ‘society needs to rethink ageing’, beyond the assumed and false narratives with which ageing has long been associated.

Today, there are one million people aged 60 and over living in the state, including more than 180,000 people aged 80 or over. Ageing consciously and exploring life in a new decade should not be hampered by the stereotypical idea that age is limiting. “The good news is that most of us will live to 60 and we can look forward to an average of almost 25 years of ‘older life’,” says Nat O’Connor, senior public affairs and policy specialist at Age Action. “With so many people living to older ages, there is no one experience that reflects the diversity of ageing in Ireland today.”

Mary (73)

For 73-year-old Mary, getting older is a gradual process – in many ways a new way of life. “Getting older brings with it a lot of freedom that you only get used to over time,” she says. “A less busy life, less responsibility and more solitude. A body with different needs that works more slowly, gets more tired, but is still healthy.”

Mary feels like she is aging “on purpose” because she embraces life with the same enthusiasm as always and is excited about the new challenges this decade brings her. “I keep my mind and heart open to adventure and accept that my life today is still great but different,” she says. “The balance is knowing my limits and still staying content. The challenge is facing and accepting my aging body. It’s slower and not as flexible, but that’s OK.”

“It has done me good. I have given birth to five wonderful people, felt great sadness and disappointment, but also experienced great joy and happiness. I am still myself, with the wisdom I have gained. My goal is to stay as healthy as possible, stay curious and do my best every day and stay open to change.”

How a person ages depends on their circumstances, including diet, exercise and social interactions. Taking the right steps to live a healthy life will support a person as they age. The same goes for recognizing, appreciating and respecting a person’s worth, confidence and experience beyond judgment and age-related stereotypes. “It’s important to challenge age-related stereotypes, including ideas we may have internalized about growing older,” says O’Connor. “Ageism refers to the harm caused by our way of thinking (stereotypes), our feelings (prejudice) and our behavior (discrimination) toward someone based on their age.”

O’Connor states that ageism can be conscious or unconscious. This bias can be implicit or explicit. It can be casual or systemic and can affect women to a greater extent. Regardless of death, anyone can experience a stigmatized and biased narrative as they age. To end ageism, we must address it.

Nat O’Connor from Age Action.

Everyone is entitled to have their basic human rights respected, protected and fulfilled – regardless of their age. However, ageism is often internalized and manifests itself in self-doubt in older adults. “Self-discrimination means we think or behave stereotypically about ourselves, for example by imagining that we shouldn’t do certain things or go certain places because of our age,” explains O’Connor. “Self-discrimination can have serious effects on a person’s health, while people who avoid such ageism have been shown to recover faster and are less likely to suffer from depression and other mental health problems.”

“Nobody expects too much of you,” says Mary, underscoring the reality older adults face when they are often subjected to negative assumptions about their worth, level of understanding, or ability to contribute.

Mary is aware of this, but also enjoys reworking the narrative and “surprising people a little bit.”

O’Connor points out that it is important to maintain social connections at any age. Older people should be encouraged and supported to meet and stay in touch with friends and family. “It is important to remember that many of the views we think we know about ageing are just prejudices and stereotypes we have picked up in life or from the media,” he says. “Being older is simply about being yourself, with more life experience and a body that needs a little more care. We should all fight ageism wherever it occurs.”

Mary appreciates quiet times, but also enjoys moments with family and friends. “I’ve always been a woman who saw the glass half full, and that has shaped me,” she says. “The wisdom I’ve gained over the years has taught me to live in the here and now and not to get worked up about little things.”

“A life well lived is one in which you are with people you care about and do things you enjoy and find meaningful,” says O’Connor. “Many older people have a new lease on life when they no longer have to work in paid employment or be a full-time parent or caregiver. Older people benefit from experience, better stress management and stronger intrinsic motivation to do things they find meaningful. And many older people choose to try new things or meet new people, which can open up new opportunities and new relationships.”

Family Summer: This summer, parents are looking for tips, advice and information on how to help their children get through the holidays. You can read all about it at

Reassessing ageing and recognizing the significant value, expertise, knowledge and experience of older people will create a more valuable and diverse population and facilitate legal protection and opportunities in old age for all of us.

“I’m grateful for a full life and for my current age,” says Mary. “A few bumps and lumps on my body and a slower pace of life, but I’m still here, looking forward and full of hope. Someone once said, ‘It’s not the years in your life that count, it’s the life in your years.'”