
NATO war summit prepares direct entry into Ukraine war

NATO war summit prepares direct entry into Ukraine war

President Joe Biden speaks during the opening session of the NATO Summit, Wednesday, July 10, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

The NATO military alliance announced at its summit in Washington this week the establishment of an office in Ukraine and the creation of a NATO command in Germany led by a three-star general to oversee the war against Russia.

These measures mark the transition to a new phase of the war. During this phase, the NATO military alliance will openly assume responsibility for arming, financing and commanding the Ukrainian military, thereby initiating the deployment of NATO troops in the conflict.

The measures announced at the summit are provocative. NATO says it is stationing civilian officers in an active war zone. What will happen if these officers come under fire? Will NATO then invoke Article 5 of the NATO Treaty to declare war on Russia?

As a matter of fact, Foreign policy A NATO official was quoted as saying: “We will be pushing the idea in Washington that all Allies should commit to some kind of national planning process that brings together both military and civilian planning for Article 5.”

While NATO is flooding Ukraine with weapons, the summit communiqué published yesterday condemns China as a “decisive sponsor of the Russian war against Ukraine” and calls on it to stop supplying “weapons components” to Russia.

The New York Times’ David Sanger noted that the wording was “a big difference for NATO, which until 2019 had never officially mentioned China as a problem, and only in the most vacuous terms.” The statement said China “cannot allow the largest war in Europe in recent history without negatively affecting its interests and reputation.”

The summit’s condemnation of China is not only a breathtaking hypocrisy – it comes from powers that are pouring oil on the fire of “the biggest war in Europe in recent history” – it also makes clear that NATO is preparing for a war of global proportions.

The announcement that NATO will now play the leading role in organizing the war in Ukraine refutes years of lying propaganda by the Biden administration, American think tanks and media, which have repeatedly claimed that NATO is not directly involved in the war in Ukraine.

In reality, the imperialist powers have been systematically working to provoke war with Russia for over a decade. Since 2014, NATO has been turning Ukraine into a military frontline, using the fact that the country is not an official member as a cover for its military build-up to the teeth.