
Laser Cat Steel Party Series Little Fierce (SD Predaking) Team Figures Revealed

Laser Cat Steel Party Series Little Fierce (SD Predaking) Team Figures Revealed

Laser Cat Toy reveals the new release of the Little Fierce team figures from the Steel Party Series. The unofficial SD Predaking set brings the beasts to prototype colors with this new set.

It’s party time! The Steel Boys from (Little Fierce) are on summer vacation, let’s go out and play together

The first product of Laser Cat’s Steel Party series (Little Fierce) has been updated~
5 Steel Boys with different personalities met in class and formed a group calling each other brothers. They have their own nicknames:

• Loud Team Leader (Cowboy): He likes to watch western cowboys and the arrogance is always written on his face. He looks like he is not that easy to stand.

• Troublemaker (Rhino): As the name suggests, he is a hippie who smiles all day long. He likes to play pranks on others (Pengzi)

• Naughty guy (Pengzi): He has big wings and often gets stuck in the classroom door frame and can’t get in. He likes to bully the flying steel boy in the next class (Rhinoceros).

• Show-off Committee Member (Tiger): The masked Steelboy with second-year syndrome likes to introduce himself as a masked guest and say a few embarrassing words to show off and feel good

• Cool class representative (lion): He is the only Steelboy who repeats the class and the king of the children in this small group. Since he is a bit older, his body is also bigger than other Steelboys

Such steel boys with such different temperaments can play together. There must be a lot of interesting things going on behind this (Little Fierce) group. This cat’s radar is already buzzing!
If you want to know more exciting content about (Little Fierce), please pay closer attention to the official account of (Laser Cat), don’t miss it~