
Mick Jagger is booed after Stones singer says he ‘loves’ Justin Trudeau

Mick Jagger is booed after Stones singer says he ‘loves’ Justin Trudeau

“We love your Mr. Trudeau. I mean, his family has always been such big fans of our band.”

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Mick Jagger got a sneak peek of the reception Justin Trudeau might receive at the ballot box next year when he mentioned the Canadian prime minister during a Rolling Stones show in Vancouver on Friday night.

Jagger, 80, infuriated the crowd at BC Place when he said he was a fan of the deeply unpopular Liberal leader.

“We love your Mr. Trudeau. “I mean, his family has always been such big fans of our band,” joked the frontman, referring to the Prime Minister’s mother, who partied with the Stones in the late 1970s after her separation from Justin’s father.

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After a brief pause, Jagger knew he was losing space, but he quickly recovered and turned his attention to the Canadian men’s national soccer team, which advanced to the semifinals of the Copa America on Tuesday night.

“By the way, congratulations to the Canadian soccer team for reaching the semi-finals!” shouted the frontman as the boos turned to applause.

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In the days since that remark, fan-recorded clips of the moment have gone viral on X and Instagram, garnering hundreds of thousands of views.

“(Jagger) wasn’t paying attention,” one person noted, with another adding, “Mick Jagger has no idea how unpopular Justin Trudeau is.”

Others praised the Stones singer for being able to win the audience back over to his side so quickly.

“That was honestly an incredible turnaround for the Copa America,” wrote one. “Well played.”

“Good save, Mick!” added another. “Mentioned Trudeau and almost got booed into the Pacific, but congrats to the football team for saving your ass!”

Margaret Trudeau’s association with the Stones dates back nearly 50 years and made headlines when the band played a club concert in Toronto and the wife of then-Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau was spotted performing with the band.

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“We played dice in my hotel suite until about five in the morning,” Margaret said of the encounter. “We smoked a little weed and talked. It was a good night and I was in my new world. But nobody knew I was separated from my husband and there was a huge scandal.”

In her 2021 memoir I will now answer your questions: What I saw in the White House under Trump, Former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham claimed that Donald Trump told her that Trudeau’s mother had sex with “all the Rolling Stones.”

“I was sitting with him in his cabin, and for some reason – perhaps he had just read something or seen his face on television – the president’s mind was filled with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,” Grisham wrote.

“Is it OK with you if I say that?” Trump reportedly asked. “Trudeau’s mother. She (had sex with) all the Rolling Stones.”

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According to Vanity Fair, Margaret “sang and strutted” during the Stones’ show at El Mocambo in 1977 and “stared at (Jagger) in awe throughout the entire performance.”

But Jagger later told the Evening Standard that Margaret was a “very sick girl looking for something. She found it – but not with me. I wouldn’t even approach her with a water pole.”

Margaret denied not to have slept with any member of the Stones, but admitted she should have thought about it, later saying at a mental health conference: “I should have slept with every single one of them.”

It is not the first time that Jagger and Co. have become involved in Canadian politics while playing north of the border. In 2013 Jagger made a joke about then-Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, who was embroiled in a crack cocaine controversy at the time.

“I just wanted to let you know: We’re not going to make any jokes about the mayor or anything like that tonight, OK?” Jagger said. “That’s too easy. That’s way too easy a target. That’s a little cheap – cheap shots. So we’re not going to do any of that. We’re going to get on with the show now.”

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