
According to NATO, China is a “decisive enabler” of the Russian war in Ukraine

According to NATO, China is a “decisive enabler” of the Russian war in Ukraine

At the NATO summit in Washington, DC, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Wednesday that the alliance agreed that China had become a “decisive enabler of Russia’s war against Ukraine.” Stoltenberg added: “China’s support increases the threat Russia poses to Euro-Atlantic security.”

Video transcript

In this dangerous world, friends and partners are more important than ever.

That is why we agree today to further strengthen our partnerships, particularly in the Indo-Pacific.

Security is global, not regional.

Putin’s war is fueled by those who do not share our values.

Iran and North Korea provide direct military support, while China supports the Russian war economy.

This is not just a temporary coalition of convenience.

This is a profound strategic shift.

We must be aware of the threat this poses.

As NATO allies unanimously state in their summit declaration today, China has become a key supporter of Russia’s war against Ukraine, and China’s support increases the threat Russia poses to the euro.

The Atlantic security allies have made it clear that China cannot allow the largest conflict in Europe in recent history to occur without negative consequences for their interests and reputation.