
1.5 million voters in Michigan request mail-in ballots

1.5 million voters in Michigan request mail-in ballots

LANSING, Mich. (WLNS) — More than 1.5 million Michiganders have applied Postal voting for the upcoming primaries.

As of Tuesday, 1,518,665 Michigan residents have requested or received a mail-in ballot by signing up for the permanent mail-in ballot list, which allows their local clerk to automatically mail them a ballot for all local, state and federal elections.

According to the Foreign Ministry, this is 157,833 more applications than in 2020.

“In 2020, we had the highest voter turnout in Michigan history,” said Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson.

(Image credit: AP)

So far, 178,931 voters have returned their mail-in ballots to be counted. That is 67,917 more votes than in the same period in 2020.

“It’s exciting to see that we are on track to exceed these high turnout numbers in 2024. And it’s even more exciting to see how voters have engaged early in such large numbers and are making sure their voices are heard,” Benson said.

The Michigan Department of State offers resources for voters in Michigan who wish to vote by mail or in person.

Voters seeking information are asked to to request a mail-in ballot and find early voting or traditional polling places near you.

“No matter where you live or who you vote for, Michigan’s nonpartisan, professional poll workers are ready to conduct safe elections so every citizen’s voice is heard,” Benson said.