
Stanford on “How to create a prosperous future?” – PRINT Magazine

Stanford on “How to create a prosperous future?” – PRINT Magazine

Join us on Wednesday, July 24th at 4:00 p.m. ET!

Not everyone can attend design school at Stanford, but that doesn’t mean we can’t all learn from some of the university’s most creative minds.

At the next PRINT Book Club, Scott Doorley and Carissa Carter of Stanford will talk with Debbie Millman and Steven Heller about their new book. Assembling Tomorrow: A Guide to Creating a Prosperous Future, from Stanford

In the book, Doorley and Carter explore the intangible forces that prevent us from anticipating how fantastically out of control technology can become—and what we might face if we don’t start adopting new tools and tactics. Despite our best intentions, the most disruptive innovations tend to have consequences we can’t always predict. From the impact of social media to the uncertainty of AI to the consequences of climate change, the results of our creations impact our lives. Time and time again, our seemingly never-ending ability to create bumps up against our limited ability to understand our impacts.

Assemble tomorrow explores how to use readily available tools to fix the mistakes of the past and shape our future for the better. Interspersed throughout are short pieces of speculative fiction that imagine the future as if it had already happened, looking at the past with a critical but hopeful eye so that we can all – as designers of our own futures – create a better world for generations to come.

About the authors:

Scott Doorley is an author, designer and creative director at Stanford He was co-author of Making space: How to create the conditions for creative collaboration and teaches courses in design communication. His work has been featured in museums from San Jose to Helsinki and in publications such as Architecture + Urban Planning And The New York Times.

Carissa Carter is a designer, geoscientist, and academic director of the Stanford She is the author of The Secret Language of Maps: How to Tell Visual Stories With Data and teaches design courses on emerging technologies, climate change, and data visualization. Her work on design with machine learning and blockchain has won multiple awards, including the Fast Company Innovation and Core 77 design awards.

Don’t miss our conversation with Doorley and Carter, moderated by Debbie Millman and Steven Heller, on Wednesday, July 24 at 4 p.m. ET! Register for the live Discussion hereand buy your copy of Assemble tomorrow exactly here.