
Strike at Bombardier ends after ratification of new collective agreement

Strike at Bombardier ends after ratification of new collective agreement

MISSISSAUGA—Unifor members at Bombardier today ratified a new three-year collective agreement, ending an 18-day strike at the company’s aircraft manufacturing facilities in Mississauga and Waterloo.

“Our union’s top priority in these negotiations was to reach an agreement that reflects the skills, hard work and dedication of our members that have made Bombardier’s Global Jet program so successful,” said Lana Payne, Unifor national president. “After a highly successful strike, I am proud to say our members have ratified a landmark agreement that provides a comprehensive economic package at a time when aerospace workers need it most.”

At ratification meetings held today, members of Unifor Locals 112 and 673 ratified a new contract that offers workers across-the-board wage increases of 12.5% ​​over the life of the contract, higher pension contributions and greater job security.

“What changed the outcome of these negotiations and brought a fair deal within reach was the unwavering support of our members on the picket lines,” said John Turner, president of Unifor Local 112. “The historic gains we have made with this agreement would never have been possible without strike action. It showed the company that our members would not back down until a fair deal was reached.”

Unifor Local 112 represents about 1,200 manufacturing and trades members at Bombardier. Along with 250 office, professional and technical workers represented by Local 673, workers at Bombardier’s Pearson and Waterloo plants build the company’s Global jets. The newly ratified agreement also includes labor commitments and job ownership for union members across the entire Global fleet, including the upcoming 8000 Series ultra-long-range business jet and all derivative models.

“It was critical that we secured labor rights across the entire Global Jet program to protect our members’ jobs today and for the next generation of Bombardier aviation workers,” said Maryellen McIlmoyle, president of Unifor Local 673. “Bombardier’s members are incredibly dedicated and hardworking.”

We have ratified an agreement that guarantees higher wages, better pensions and a better economic future for all Bombardier workers.”

Unifor is Canada’s largest private sector union, representing 320,000 workers in all major sectors of the economy. The union advocates for all workers and their rights, fights for equality and social justice in Canada and abroad, and strives for progressive change for a better future.

For media inquiries or to schedule interviews via FaceTime, Zoom or Skype, please contact Unifor Communications Representative David Molenhuis at @email or by phone at (416) 575-7453.