
The end of the world as we know it: The prediction of the famous fortune teller Baba Vanga for 2025 is terrifying

The end of the world as we know it: The prediction of the famous fortune teller Baba Vanga for 2025 is terrifying

As if we didn’t have enough on our plate already… Everyone is now saying: “It’s the end of the world as we know it…”


The year 2024 has not been particularly smooth so far.

Japan’s devastating earthquake… Both the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the war between Israel and Hamas are ongoing… The continued rise of the far right (despite some positive recovery from recent United Kingdom And French elections)… The death of Alexei Navalny… And let us not forget how bad Madame Web and that Kayne West is still releasing music.

We could go on like this and we would still have the “two old men in an old men’s war” US election We have a lot to look forward to, and the danger remains that increasingly powerful AI models will spread beyond the control of humans and governments…

Well, legendary blind fortune teller Baba Vanga has reportedly revealed that the end times will begin in 2025. More specifically, that the beginning of our destruction will begin next year with a conflict in Europe that will devastate the continent’s population. This will be the start of events that will ultimately lead to our downfall.

In other words, 2025 will be the beginning of our end.


Scroll down to see their full predictions.

For those of you who have never heard of her, Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, popularly known as Baba Vanga or “Nostradamus of the Balkans,” was born in 1911 and was said to have prophetic abilities.

Blind since childhood, the Bulgarian clairvoyant apparently had the ability to see into the future. She attributed these “powers” to a tornado that blinded her. These abilities first brought her to public attention in the midst of World War II, and figures such as Bulgarian Tsar Boris III and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev reportedly consulted her personally.

She died in 1996 and has since become a cult figure among fortune tellers and, as you can imagine, conspiracy theorists.

Many of her predictions are said to have come true long after her death. For example, Baba Vanga is said to have predicted the death of Princess Diana, the sinking of the Russian submarine Kursk, and the terrorist attacks of September 11. She is even said to have predicted her own death on August 11, 1996, at the age of 85.

Of course, many of the predictions attributed to her cannot be confirmed because they are based on second-hand reports.

Although the mystic is no longer alive, she made predictions for every year up to the year 5079.

We are lucky. Or maybe not, because she has already seven prophecies for 2024 – none of them are particularly reassuring (apart from the assassination attempt on Russian President Vladimir Putin by a fellow countryman).

Here are the latest predictions from the famous blind mystic – her timetable for our demise, if you will:

2025: War in Europe

The event that will trigger the downfall of humanity will be an unspecified conflict in Europe that will decimate the continent’s population.

2028: Exploring Venus


Humanity will begin to use Venus as an energy source. (It is worth noting that the second planet from the Sun is uninhabitable and nothing can grow there.)

2033: Melting of the ice caps

Baba Vanga reportedly predicted that the polar ice caps would melt and sea levels would rise dramatically around the world.

2076: The return of communism

Communism will spread to countries all over the world.


2130: First contact

Supposedly, humans will make contact with aliens – thereby confirming that the “X-Files” were right from the start.

2170: Global Drought

Climate change will continue to ravage the planet and droughts will devastate much of the world.

3005: The Mars War


Earth will go to war with a civilization on Mars. There is no further information on who initiated it, but we bet it was probably us and not the Martians. We are not the friendliest species, let’s face it.

3797: The End of the World – Part I

The Earth will no longer be able to support life, which means that the people who survived the Mars War will have to leave the Earth because it has become uninhabitable.

5079: The End of the World – Part II (This Time for Real)

The end of everything. The grand finale. The world is coming to an end.


There we have it.

As mentioned above, not many of the predictions attributed to her can be confirmed and Vanga was far from infallible, so take all this with a grain of salt.

Some of her predictions were correct, but she also predicted that a major nuclear power plant would explode last year and that the Earth would be hit by a devastating solar storm… So we escaped those disasters.

It is also worth noting that Vanga is not alone when it comes to predictions about our future. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists also publishes an annual estimate with its Doomsday Clockwhich this year 90 seconds until midnightFor the second time in a row. Never before in the history of the clock was it so close to midnight.

Not very reassuring, is it?


Now we can only hope that Baba Vanga’s doomsday visions are wrong, that we finally wake up and learn to live together by focusing on what unites us rather than what divides us. And of course, not to anger any Martians.

Otherwise, get ready for next year. It’s going to be a blast.