
bitchy | Ariana Grande: Changing your voice is a normal thing when you have a “wide vocal range”

bitchy | Ariana Grande: Changing your voice is a normal thing when you have a “wide vocal range”

The older I get, the more I get annoyed by grown women who use “baby voices” or breathy little girl voices. It annoys me to no end. In June, Ariana Grande did just that in a podcast interview – she spoke in her normal, deeper voice and then quickly switched to her breathy little girl voice within seconds. Here’s the clip:

When people were like that “Wait, this is crazy,” Ariana clapped back and said that she changes her voice like that to protect it because she is a singer. Many singers or vocal artists agreed with her and said that this is a real thing that singers do to “protect their voice”. Now Ariana is elaborating on it even further:

Ariana Grande has run out of tears to cry over criticism of her voice. In fact, the Grammy winner doesn’t think it’s a big deal that she can switch between two different accents. Watching a viral video of her changing vocal modulations with a “yeah, and?” attitude, Ariana noted that the switch is “a normal thing that people do, especially when you have a wide vocal range.”

“I just spent a long time every day playing a character,” Ariana said on the July 9 episode of the Shut Up Evan podcast, referring to her role as Glinda in the upcoming Wicked musical film. “Muscle memory is a real thing.”

The 31-year-old also pointed out that there appears to be a double standard when male actors unintentionally remain in their roles after filming.

“Sure, people make jokes here and there, but afterward, it’s always, ‘Oh wow, how dedicated he is to his craft! What an incredible transformation! He’s a brilliant artist!'” she continued. “But then, God forbid, I sneeze like Glinda.”

(From E! News)

There’s no double standard, really – when Austin Butler was still imitating his Elvis voice two years after filming, it was a huge issue and he was absolutely criticized for it. The same goes for Tom Hardy’s stupid Bane voice. There are also no male singers who put on a sexy baby voice to protect their vocal cords, but I’ll admit that Ariana probably has a wider vocal range than most male singers. Anyway, if singers tell me that this is a perfectly legitimate way to protect their voice, then so be it, and I agree that people should be more lenient with Ari. But I think it’s a mix of “protecting her voice” and “putting on a girly sexy baby facade.”

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.