
Puppy love? Why luxury honeymoons are becoming increasingly shaggy

Puppy love? Why luxury honeymoons are becoming increasingly shaggy

The groom goes “woof-woof-woof” on his honeymoon – but don’t be surprised if he’s not the only animal playing off-leash after the church bells ring.

Travel agents and hotel managers told The Post that lately, more and more dog-crazy couples have been checking into honeymoon suites with suitcases full of fancy clothes, bated breath and their panting pooches.

After all, it has become the norm to include Rover, Spot and Asta in the sacred wedding ceremony. What can one think of a little excursion?

Angela Beer and her husband took their dogs Kramer, Miss Scoutymouse and Miss Georgie with them on both their wedding and their honeymoon in New Zealand. Fiona Tomlinson

Dogs are man’s best friend and they go where their owners go. Just ask Angela Beer, who sank her teeth into a husband in 2018 at age 45. From the start, she knew her furry friends – best man, pug-griffon mix Kramer and bridesmaids Miss Scoutymouse, a bichon-lion mix, and miniature schnauzer Miss Georgie – would be there for the big “I dos.” She also knew few traditional venues would do for them.

“My dogs are not very well behaved,” said Beers, a world traveler who runs Pets & Pats Country Club, a five-star dog daycare outside Auckland, New Zealand (she recently welcomed Miss Marley and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart II into the family).

To pamper her beloved four-legged friends even more, Beers chose a wedding venue that doubled as a wild and spacious honeymoon resort: the ultra-exclusive Huka Lodge in New Zealand, which is set on vast grounds and starts at around $2,000 a night for a basic suite. Beers booked the best and largest freestanding cottage available for five nights so her dogs could feel at home. “I chose it specifically because I could bring the dogs,” she said.

Angela Beer and a few of her dogs. Fiona Tomlinson

Not only did Beers celebrate her Fidos during pre-wedding activities—like a long weekend hen party with 10 friends and 20 dogs—but she also brought them along for romantic post-wedding fun, like a helicopter ride to Mount Ruapehu, an active volcano.

“I had to train my dogs to go into a helicopter and wear special earpieces so they wouldn’t freak out,” she said. “They also had to be bird trained so they wouldn’t track down kiwis and try them themselves.”

None of this surprises Edward Alava, owner of the Dog Store on East 61 Street, a dog grooming and boutique for Airedales, Borzois and Frenchies with diamond-studded collars.

The groom and his best man Kramer. Fiona Tomlinson

“Dogs are like children,” says Alava, who also runs a dog concierge service and has pampered pubs for Oprah, Beyonce and Simon Cowell’s purse-sized pranksters Squiddly, Diddly and Freddy. “They have nannies. They have massage therapists. They have everything and go everywhere – even on honeymoons.”

Alava has custom-made matching tuxedos for a set of pugs, but is also preparing them for the dog poop after the reception.

“I gave two golden retrievers a lavender massage to help them feel comfortable and at ease on this couple’s honeymoon,” he says. “A good grooming, bath and massage ensure that when the chauffeur picks them up, they are calmer and less stressed and sleep through the entire trip, whether on a private plane or a train.”

“(Dogs) have nannies. They have massage therapists. They have everything and go everywhere – even on honeymoons.”

Edward Alava, owner of the Dog Store

“After you arrive, the best hotels will be happy to distract your pet so you can pet him,” says Ed Sullivan, manager of the Carneros Resort & Spa, a 70-acre luxury resort in Napa.

“They bring two dogs with them on their honeymoon,” Sullivan says of his guests. “They’re part of the family. So we started doing a lot more, and now we have special amenities for dogs.”

The resort provides all the usual arf-arf paraphernalia – leashes, balls, treats – and recently installed a large dog park with agility equipment in case you’re gearing up for Westminster. Each “room” is also a detached cottage with a fenced-in backyard.

But not all destinations are furry-friendly, says elite travel advisor Jaclyn Sienna India, founder and CEO of Sienna Charles.

“When you fly privately, it’s so easy to throw little Bobby on the plane,” she says. “But there are a lot of countries that are off limits. You can’t take your pet to Bora Bora or Japan, not without a six-month quarantine first. But you can take your pet to Thailand or Vietnam. It’s really important to know about these countries.”

Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Mexico, Israel, Turkey and Panama are just some of the countries that appear on the social calendar of the jet-setting traveler with a wet nose. But legal hassle is not the only obstacle to consider before consummating the marriage. Safety is also an important concern.

“You shouldn’t go to Costa Rica because there are monkeys there that would kill your dog,” she says.

Today, most large hotel groups are happy to play fetch, but airlines are still far less accommodating if you deign to fly on a commercial airline. For example, Delta One and La Première no longer allow pets, nor do Air France’s business class. “You would have to sit in economy class,” says India, pointing out that Singapore Airlines and Thai Airways also ban bad dogs. “So it’s important to coordinate your destination with the airline.”

For a perfect lune de meil with your adorable chien, India recommends splitting the trip so your four-legged friend doesn’t spend long in the shelter. For example, fly from New York to Paris (American Airlines is one airline that allows pets) and enjoy a few dog days there. Paris now has a number of bistros where a portion of tartare can be split between the different species. From there, fly Turkish First Class to Istanbul and check in at the new Peninsula Istanbul; from Istanbul, there is a scheduled flight directly to Saigon. “The journey is half the fun,” says India.

Once the trip is planned, choosing the perfect dog kennel is a breeze, she adds, because hotels that offer upscale service to humans are likely to extend the same hospitality to your dog. Just remember to call ahead and add your lap warmers to the reservation.

Also, consider preparing your room as you would for a baby. Ask what is in the room. How can it be made as comfortable as possible for a curious mutt? Remember to ask politely, there is no need to complain.

“When my dog ​​goes to the Hotel de Russie,” India says of her 6-pound Yorkie’s favorite five-star hotel in Rome, “they know him. The concierge comes out and says, ‘Tokyo, nice to see you!’ Great hotels celebrate your pet instead of looking at you and thinking, ‘Oh God, the room is going to stink.'”