
Chris Stark to lead UK mission control to deliver clean energy by 2030

Chris Stark to lead UK mission control to deliver clean energy by 2030

Energy Secretary Ed Miliband has appointed Chris Stark to head the new Mission Control, which is tasked with putting the UK on the path to clean energy by 2030.

Led by Chris Stark, a world-class team of energy experts will break down barriers and accelerate progress on clean energy projects.

This new Mission Control will be the first of its kind in Government and will focus relentlessly on accelerating the transition from volatile fossil fuel markets to clean, domestic energy to strengthen the UK’s energy independence and reduce energy bills for the British people.

Mission Control for Clean Energy

Mission Control will be a central point of contact that brings together a top team of industry experts and officials to troubleshoot, negotiate and clear the way for energy projects.

Led by Chris Stark, the focus will be on four areas of activity, including:

  • Defining and pursuing the overall approach to achieving the 2030 targets across the energy system
  • Real-time monitoring of the progress of UK infrastructure projects critical to 2030
  • We act as an innovation center and promote exchange among experts
  • Acting as an organizer of the Mission Control approach in government and industry

It works with key energy companies and organisations, including the regulator Ofgem, the national grid and the electricity system operator, to remove barriers and identify and resolve issues as they arise.

Britain becomes a clean energy superpower

This will speed up the connection of new electricity infrastructure to the power grid and provide households and businesses with cleaner and cheaper electricity.

Energy Security and Net Zero Energy Minister Ed Miliband said: “Benefiting from Chris Stark’s leadership and experience and bringing together the brightest and best in the national interest, the new Control Centre will have a laser focus on delivering our clean energy mission by 2030.

“Becoming Britain a clean energy superpower will not only keep energy costs low, it will also create hundreds of thousands of good jobs, while protecting national security by keeping dictators out of our energy markets.”

In order to achieve clean electricity by 2030 – and thereby increase energy independence and reduce electricity bills – the Energy Minister has also asked the electricity grid operator to provide advice on the path to achieving the 2030 target. This includes expert analysis of the location and type of new investments and infrastructure needed to achieve the target.

Chris Stark: A key figure on the road to net zero

As the former Chief Executive of the Climate Change Committee (CCC) and former Director of Energy and Climate Change for the Scottish Government, Chris Stark brings extensive experience of working with the energy sector to remove barriers and deliver on the clean energy mission on the country’s path to net zero.

Under his leadership, the CCC recommended a net zero target for the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 – a goal that is now enshrined in law.

Commenting on his new role, he said: “It is a privilege to lead this work alongside the country’s leading energy experts who are making this mission a reality.

“Tackling the climate crisis and accelerating the transition to clean energy is the country’s greatest challenge and opportunity.

“If we act now, we can put the UK at the forefront of the global race to carbon neutrality, cutting our carbon emissions while reducing household bills.”