
Riley Sager’s new thriller breaks a 7-year author trend (and it pays off)

Riley Sager’s new thriller breaks a 7-year author trend (and it pays off)


  • Middle of the night
    breaks a seven-year trend by Riley Sager, which began with his debut novel,
    Last girls.
  • In contrast to Sager’s earlier thrillers,
    Middle of the night
    has a male main character.
  • Sager takes further risks in his 2024 thriller, and they pay off, making the novel one of the best additions to his slate to date.



Riley Sager’s new thriller, Middle of the nightbreaks a seven-year trend of seven books that began with Final GirlsSager is a well-known thriller and horror writer, and his novels range from more run-of-the-mill crime to supernatural stories, with some even mixing the two. The author has published a book every year since 2007. Final Girls debuted in 2017 and its release in 2024 is one of the most eagerly awaited thrillers in June.

The fact that Middle of the night is written by Sager, automatically puts the reader on the radar, but there is another reason why this novel is so exciting. Although Sager’s stories vary in terms of themes and structure, they all have one thing in common. The author breaks this trend for the first time in Middle of the night, making it an outstanding addition to his lineup. The change has Middle of the night one of the most eagerly awaited thrillers of the entire year – and after picking it up, readers will likely agree that it pays to break new ground.


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The male protagonist of “Middle Of The Night” breaks a 7-book trend by Riley Sager

The author is known for writing female protagonists

The covers of Final Girls, Lock Every Door and The Only One Left by Riley Sager

All books by Sager before Middle of the night with female protagonistsand it has become a recognizable trend for the author over the past seven years. Many of Sager’s female protagonists also share similarities, as they all make questionable decisions and raise doubts about their reliability. While Middle of the night Although it questions the credibility of its male protagonist, it nonetheless changes Sager’s typical screenplay. By following a man named Ethan – and placing two male characters at the center of its narrative – it stands out from the author’s previous works.

By following a man named Ethan – and placing two male characters at the center of the narrative –
Middle of the night
stands out from the author’s previous works.

Middle of the night follows Ethan Marsh as he returns to his hometown and uncovers the truth about his best friend’s disappearance 30 years ago. Ethan is left feeling a great deal of guilt over the event when Billy disappears from a tent in Ethan’s backyard while they are sleeping next to each other. Ethan’s efforts to find out what happened to Billy exhibit several hallmarks of Sager’s writing, including his tendency to make the reader question whether things are really turning out the way Ethan says they will. Middle of the night also enters new territoryTaking risks in a way that proves satisfactory.

Riley Sager’s risks pay off in the middle of the night

The book of 2024 is one of his best thrillers

Middle of the Night cover with the title in lime green and a small town street as a background

Having a male lead character is not the only way Sager changes things in Middle of the night, even if it is the most surprising development. While the author has jumped back and forth between past and present storylines before, his 2024 novel takes the opportunity to bring more than one perspective into the story. Sager puts readers in the minds of many different characters as he returns to the summer of Billy’s disappearance. The decision to include so many perspectives also keeps readers guessing and does a great job of building Middle of the night‘s ending revealed.

Middle of the night is a thriller with an ending that doesn’t disappoint, and the risks Sager takes to get there largely pay off. Sager’s latest delves deeper into the subject matter than many of the author’s previous releases, and as a result is as thoughtful and engrossing as it is suspenseful. There are poignant revelations and emotional moments scattered throughout. Middle of the night. These elements make Sager’s latest thriller a little slower than some of his other works. Fortunately, they also make it one of his best stories.