
A prayer in case someone you love turns away from their faith – Your Daily Prayer – July 10

A prayer in case someone you love turns away from their faith – Your Daily Prayer – July 10

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A prayer in case someone you love turns away from their faith
By Chris Eyte

“Catch us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards, our vineyards in bloom.” – Song of Solomon 2:15

I remember the very last session of the year-long discipleship course I was doing with a group of wonderful men and women from a church network in the UK. Joe, the leader (not his real name), stood before us all and gave a dire warning about the future now that the year was over. He said that statistically, one person in a group like that would eventually lose their faith. We looked at each other nervously and I prayed silently, asking Jesus to keep me close. But I also had a feeling of sadness, thinking that one of these incredible brothers and sisters might one day leave. And I really selfishly hoped it wouldn’t be me.

Joe then referenced Song of Solomon 2:15 and warned us to watch for the enemy’s “little foxes” and catch them before they affect our faith. He meant those channels of sin and unbelief that can be the undoing of any man or woman. And if we don’t “catch” and deal with those foxes in time, the result could be devastation in the vineyards of our faith. It was a compelling and very helpful allegory. “Be on your guard,” Joe pleaded. As 1 Peter 5:8 says, “Be sober and watchful. Your enemy the devil walks around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” He was concerned that after spending a year building our faith in discipleship of the Lord, we were now prime targets of the enemy.

Unfortunately, over the years, as we all lived separate lives, I heard of someone on that path who turned their back on the truth, and I became aware of another whose theology became tangled. I don’t know exactly what happened to the others, but they were sincere, lovely people, and I hope they are doing well with Jesus. I’ve had my own ups and downs, and there was a brief time when I really backslid. But God’s love held me as I returned to Him.

We too easily forget that we are in spiritual battles. And when we go “over the trenches” and run across the battlefield of darkness, bringing the love of Jesus with us, there can be an opposite reaction. Missiles of doubt and chaos cause us to cower until the barrage is over. Then we can get up and keep going when the barrage stops – if we keep our eyes on Jesus. Or there is the danger of regression if we allow the devil’s foxes to wear us down.

It hurts when a brother or sister turns away from their faith, doesn’t it? What can you do when someone you love turns away from their faith? Just be there for them, if possible, and pray. That’s obviously a reaction when someone turns away decisively. But we can also be proactive to make sure it doesn’t happen in the first place.

And that’s why this powerful image from the Song of Songs works so well. If we are open, honest and sincere with each other, we have a better chance of catching the little foxes before they wreak havoc in our vineyards. In Judges 15, Samson catches 300 foxes and ties burning torches to their tails. He lets them loose in the fields of the Philistines, causing absolute carnage. “He burned the sheaves and the standing grain, along with the vineyards and the olive groves.”

Imagine if this carnage was the result of Christians living lives apart and without fellowship with one another. A wood fire only works if the pieces of wood are connected. A single piece of wood burns out quickly. There is a reason Jesus is building a larger church out of individuals, not individuals who think they are a church unto themselves. We need each other to encourage one another, to rebuke one another gently, and to fight for one another. We also need to watch out for each other’s foxes, those little nasty things that destroy (spiritually, not literally!), and help catch them before it is too late.

Let us pray:

Father God,
Please help me catch the little foxes of sin and doubt before they ruin my vineyard. Help me to support others in these spiritual battles as well. Thank you that I do not have to live in fear, for your grace is enough for me. Your love holds me fast and your word is constant, for you protect me and my brothers and sisters. If this is a battle of light against darkness, I am on the winning side of the larger war. Your cross has accomplished it all and you have declared, “It is finished!” I walk by faith, not by sight. God is love and I love you. Amen.

Image credit: @Pexels/Ankit Sihag

Christopher Eyte lives in Swansea, Wales, UK with his wife Céline and three children. He has worked as a journalist for many years and writes his own blog ( where he encourages others to follow Jesus. He became a Christian in February 2002 after a friend explained to him about God’s wonderful grace!

Related Resource: Remember God’s steadfast love for you in this guided meditation on Psalm 100!

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