
Nikola Tesla’s birthday: Learn more about the famous inventor | Knowledge News

Nikola Tesla’s birthday: Learn more about the famous inventor | Knowledge News

Tesla experimented extensively with mechanical oscillators or generators, early X-ray imaging techniques, and electrical discharge tubes, and also developed a wirelessly controlled boat. He rose to fame as an inventor, demonstrating his achievements to wealthy patrons and celebrities.

Since the 1990s, interest in Tesla has increased again in popular culture. (Image credit: Wikimedia Commons)

New Delhi: Nikola Tesla is undoubtedly one of the greatest inventors in history, whose works have had a profound impact on us. The Serbian-American electrical and mechanical engineer is known for his contributions to the development of the modern alternating current power system. Today is his birthday and in this article we will take a look at the life of this great man.

The rise of Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856, in Smiljan, a village in Croatia that was then part of the Austrian Empire. His father was a priest of the Eastern Orthodox Church, and in the 1870s Tesla initially studied physics and engineering. Although he did not receive a degree, he gained practical experience in the early 1880s when he worked for Continental Edison in the new electrical industry.

In 1884 he came to the United States and became a naturalized citizen. He worked at Edison Machine Works in New York City. But Tesla had his own ambitions and, with financial help, set up laboratories and companies in New York to develop various electrical and mechanical devices. He made a fortune with his alternating current induction motor and related patents for polyphase alternating current.

Tesla, his experiments and inventions

Tesla experimented extensively with mechanical oscillators or generators, early X-ray imaging techniques, and electrical discharge tubes, and also constructed a wirelessly controlled boat. He rose to fame as an inventor, demonstrating his achievements to wealthy patrons and celebrities. He continued to pursue his ideas for wireless lighting in the 1890s and worked on wireless power distribution around the world. In 1893, he spoke about the possibility of wireless communication with his devices. He tried to put these ideas into practice, but he ran out of funds.

In the 1910s and 1920s he experimented with several inventions with varying degrees of success. He squandered most of his money on these experiments and was forced to live in New York hotels. After his death in January 1943 in New York City, Tesla’s work fell into relative obscurity until the General Conference on Weights and Measures honored him in 1960 by naming the measurement of magnetic flux density “Tesla” in the International System of Units (SI). Since the 1990s, interest in Tesla has resurfaced in public discussion.