
Trump defends former New Jersey governor with ambiguous words: “Chris Christie is not fat!”

Trump defends former New Jersey governor with ambiguous words: “Chris Christie is not fat!”

Former President Donald Trump appeared to tease his former opponent in the New Jersey primary during a rally Tuesday at the Doral Golf Club in South Florida.

Trump began by telling a story in which he said a waitress approached him – “a beautiful waitress,” he noted, adding that he “never likes to talk about appearances.”

At this point the story returns to the question, as he puts it: “You can never talk about a person’s appearance. Never.”

“You never mention it,” he said.

His train of thought led him to an unverified story about another man who made an insensitive joke about former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

“I got very angry,” Trump said. “A man called Chris Christie fat. And I said, ‘Sir!’ And then he said he was a pig. I said, ‘Sir! Chris Christie is not a fat pig! Please remember that.'”

As the MAGA crowd laughed lightly, Trump repeated, “He’s not a fat pig! Please take it back!”

The man looked at Trump, the former president said, and gave him a confused look.

“Now we have to defend the people,” Trump said in a manner that could be interpreted as sarcastic. “You can’t call people fat.”

Trump added: “I’ve said it about nine times. ‘He’s not a fat pig.'”

Also read: ‘No Way’: Chris Christie reportedly withdraws from No Labels third-party consideration

Earlier, in his tirade, Trump had taken another victory lap over his CNN debate with President Joe Biden and issued a new challenge: “Accept another debate invitation for this week and beat me at 18 holes of golf.”

He even offered to give Biden “ten punches” – and, if he won, to donate a million dollars to a charity of his choice.

Watch the clip below or at this link.