
First foreign policy document “raises Vanuatu’s voice”

First foreign policy document “raises Vanuatu’s voice”

The 52-page document outlines four overarching goals.

The 52-page document outlines four overarching goals:
Photo: Screenshot / Vanuatu National Foreign Policy

An expert on Melanesian politics says Vanuatu’s first foreign policy document gives the country “more credibility” in the face of competition from major geopolitical powers such as the United States and China for influence in the region.

Prime Minister Charlot Salwai presented the National Foreign Policy on July 3, which outlines the non-aligned position of the Pacific island state.

“A foreign policy document is essential for a country for several reasons,” Salwai was told in the Vanuatu Daily Post.

The statement said that Vanuatu had been “unintentionally” drawn into the power struggle in the Pacific and was therefore facing great demands on its diplomacy.

The 52-page document outlines four overarching objectives: promoting Vanuatu’s sovereignty and protecting its borders; improving the prosperity and well-being of Vanuatu’s people at home and abroad through effective bilateral, regional and international cooperation and trade; promoting a stable, secure and prosperous region as a responsible member of the blue Pacific continent; and promoting global well-being through international cooperation on key global challenges.

Foreign policy determines how a country can engage in international trade, investment and economic agreements and the impact this has on its economic growth and stability. It also determines how we can deal with international crises and humanitarian problems.

Foreign policy determines how a country can engage in international trade, investment and economic agreements and the impact this has on its economic growth and stability. It also determines how we can deal with international crises and humanitarian problems.
Photo: Facebook / Ministry of the Prime Minister – Vanuatu

Tess Newton Cain, associate professor at Griffith University, told RNZ Pacific the document had been more than a decade in the making, in one form or another.

Cain said the document took a while to create because people were more concerned about things that affected them at home, like the cost of living, education, health and all those things.

She said that as in all countries, including New Zealand and Australia, foreign policy takes a back seat when it comes to elections and is the most important issue for voters.

“I think that’s a problem. There hasn’t been any demand for it from the electorate. I also think it has to be something that is obviously determined by the party programs, but it’s something that everyone can get behind.”

“It has to be something that is not just for the moment, but that is then discarded and ignored and completely rewritten by the next person who comes along. I think that applies to all countries, but especially to a country like Vanuatu, where there are quite frequent changes of government.”

Cain believes that by highlighting its values, interests and resource constraints in this policy, Vanuatu will be able to “gloss over and refine” conversations about geopolitical competition in the region that it “did not create itself.”

“It (foreign policy document) gives Vanuatu a voice that is perhaps on a par with the big players we normally see in regional politics.”

She said that while the plan was not “particularly radical,” it made some pretty clear statements about where Vanuatu sees itself, where the country wants to go and how it plans to get there.

“Participation in regional talks gives Vanuatu greater credibility and authority, and it might not have been involved otherwise.”

Cain said the policy had been described as a “living document” and noted that there was scope to review it and adjust it as needed.

“I don’t think it’s something that’s regularly reviewed and rewritten. I think it’s more of a guideline.”

“It is a policy paper rather than a law, so it does not create any legal obligations or requirements for specific ministries or authorities.”

Cain said the document shows the outside world that Vanuatu has given thought to the issue and supports certain positions set out in the policy.

“So if you want to know what Vanuatu thinks about foreign policy, geostrategic competition or trade, we can now simply point to it and say, ‘Here is the most recent, comprehensive statement of how Vanuatu stands on these issues.'”

“A Vanautu Document”

Cain said that important points had been made repeatedly that made it clear that this was “a Vanuatu document”.

“First, there are numerous references to Vanuatu and its position as a member of the Non-Aligned Movement. I was in Vanuatu recently and a member of the government described Vanuatu as resolutely non-aligned.

She said the non-aligned stance was “very close to Vanuatu’s heart” and represented a “cornerstone” of this mindset and foreign policy work.

Also striking were several references to the border dispute with France over the Matthew and Hunter Islands, the southernmost islands claimed by Vanuatu.

“This is obviously an important issue in many respects, including diplomatic relations with France and the delimitation of Vanuatu’s exclusive economic zone. All of these things play a role.”

“Kava diplomacy is mentioned in one of the preamble documents. So there are a few little nuggets there that really give it a very strong Vanuatu flavour.”