
Ukaleq Slettemark makes a real impact with her voice

Ukaleq Slettemark makes a real impact with her voice

The Athlete Ambassadors of the International Biathlon Union (IBU) and the Biathlon Integrity Unit (BIU) serve as role models to their peers and the global biathlon family, using their platforms to promote a culture of trust and confidence in the sport of biathlon. Ukaleq Slettemark, one of the IBU’s five Sustainability Athlete Ambassadors, recently participated in a panel discussion at the GSSport24 conference. Her presence and insights highlighted the critical role athletes play in promoting sustainability in sport.

During the discussion, Ukaleq spoke about her personal connection to climate action, referring to her experiences in Greenland: “Seeing the glaciers disappearing with my own eyes made me very aware of the impact of climate change. It’s not just about sport; it’s about protecting our world for future generations.”

She stressed the importance of community in driving sustainability efforts, saying, “A sense of community really makes the journey positive. When I found friends in the biathlon community who were also trying to reduce their meat consumption, it showed me that change is possible. These conversations are powerful and motivating.”

Ukaleq also shared her journey to promote sustainability through small, everyday actions: “I started by working on my own impact, for example by repairing clothes and reducing food waste. Sharing these small steps on social media has made me more aware of my actions and their impact. It’s about showing that even small changes can lead to bigger impacts.”

Her colleagues have been inspired by her actions, and some have chosen to repair their equipment rather than replace it. “When my training colleagues tell me that they thought of me before throwing something away, it shows that my efforts are laying the foundation for better decisions,” noted Ukaleq.

Ukaleq’s use of social media to spread her sustainability message is an essential part of her strategy: “I realized that my personal journey alone would not have a big impact, but by sharing my experiences on my platform, I can reach a wider audience and encourage more people to think about sustainability.”

Their participation in the GSSport24 conference is a testament to the IBU’s ongoing efforts to promote sustainability in biathlon. The initiatives under the Athlete Ambassador Program have been crucial in raising awareness and informing ambassadors about the IBU’s strategies and action plans.

Ukaleq’s inspiring words and commitment to sustainability underscore the positive impact athletes can have beyond their sporting achievements. Her involvement at the GSSport24 conference is just one example of how the Athlete Ambassadors are using their influence to promote a culture of integrity, equality and sustainability in biathlon.