
Wadena Garden Club Announces July Garden of the Month – Wadena Pioneer Journal

Wadena Garden Club Announces July Garden of the Month – Wadena Pioneer Journal

WADENA – Jamie Petitt, who lives on 1st Street SW in Wadena, was chosen as Garden of the Month for July by the Wadena Garden Club.

One of Pettit’s favourite plants is coleus (he has almost 40 different varieties in his range), but the centrepiece, he says, is his stunning perennials with their vibrant flowers. Sun-busy Lizzies are his second favourite, according to Petitt, along with traditional busy Lizzies, hostas, geraniums and hydrangeas, to name a few.

“From an annual perspective, I like the sun-grown busy Lizzies better than the regular ones, and then I have several other plants that I select and grow each year,” Petitt said.

During the summer months, Petitt enjoys carefully planning his gardens, which take up almost his entire yard – evident in his meticulous attention to detail and manicured lawns and gardens.


Hostas, lilies and peonies are among Petitt’s favorite perennials.

Nicole Stracek / Wadena Pioneer Journal

“I’ve been here for 20 years and I’m always looking to improve,” said Pettit. “I’m always trying to improve and I’m taking notes. One of the main things I do is take pictures at the end of the season,” said Petitt, who spends his winter months coaching youth hockey.

Each year when the growing season begins, Pettit looks back at his notes from the previous season to see what needs to be moved or replaced. He also has a spreadsheet that lists all of the annual plants and where he bought them.

“And then I make notes about whether or not the annuals are growing well, which ones should be replaced and what I might want to add,” Petitt said.

However, it is the Japanese lilac tree, which Petitt says is both rare and only blooms for about a week, that most catches his attention.

“I thought I was going to lose it during the 2010 tornado, but now it’s finally producing flowers that only last a few days but are incredibly beautiful,” Petitt said.

With nearly every corner of the garden bursting with life, Pettit enjoys the care and maintenance of his gardens. The angel’s trumpets smell heavenly, and although Petitt said the blooms don’t last more than a day, their fragrance makes up for the short lifespan of the flowers.


Many of Pettit’s plants are in pots rather than planted in the ground because he likes to move things around to see where they look best.

Nicole Stracek / Wadena Pioneer Journal

Pettit also has a few banana plants that he overwinters indoors each year. They get along well with popcorn cassia, a tropical plant originally from Africa that smells like buttered popcorn.

“I give my mom one every year for Mother’s Day,” Petitt said.

His only problem is the wildlife and slugs. “I was there for the first 15 years and didn’t have too much trouble with wildlife, but in the last five years it’s been deer, rabbits, squirrels and slugs,” Petitt said. “Slugs have become a real problem because they like mulch. They like to crawl under the mulch, come out at night and then feed on certain plants.” He said he considers the slugs one of his arch-enemies.

Jamie Petitt Yard.JPG

One of Pettit’s many coleus plants is surrounded by perennials and, of course, a cage to keep the rabbits away.

Nicole Stracek / Wadena Pioneer Journal

Petitt said it was an honor to be chosen as Garden of the Month for the second time by the Wadena Garden Club. “I was also chosen as Garden of the Month in 2010, so it’s definitely a nice honor,” Petitt said.


Busy Lizzies can be found all over the garden. They are hardy plants that will grow in both sun and shade. Petitt has an abundance of Busy Lizzies in a variety of bright colors.

Nicole Stracek / Wadena Pioneer Journal

Gardens are judged on a variety of criteria, says Shirley Hartjen, a member of the Wadena Garden Club and a member of the three-person Garden of the Month committee. Factors such as plant health and garden maintenance, as well as unique features, are among those considered in choosing the Garden of the Month.

Would you like to nominate a garden for Garden of the Month? Call Hartjen at 218-631-3888.

Nicole Stracek

Nicole Stracek was a freelance writer for more than 10 years before joining the Wadena Pioneer Journal. She covers everything from city council and county council meetings to breaking news. The local reporter can be reached at 218-631-2561 or [email protected].