
Iran calls for Gaza war protests in US to stoke outrage and distrust, says intelligence chief

Iran calls for Gaza war protests in US to stoke outrage and distrust, says intelligence chief

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Iranian government is secretly supporting protests on American campuses against Israel’s war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip to stoke outrage ahead of elections this fall, the country’s top intelligence official said Tuesday.

Through social media platforms popular in the United States, groups linked to Tehran have posed as online activists and encouraged Protests on campus and has provided financial support to some protest groups, Avril Haines, the director of national intelligence, said in a statement.

“Iran is becoming increasingly aggressive in its efforts to exert influence abroad, seeking to sow discord and undermine trust in our democratic institutions,” Haines said.

These efforts, noted by the top U.S. intelligence official, are the latest evidence that America’s adversaries are using the Internet to distort domestic political debates and deepen political divisions. before the election.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said it was important to warn Americans to help them “protect themselves from efforts by foreign powers to exploit or co-opt their legitimate protest activities.”

She also warned Iran: “Interference in our politics and attempts to foment division are unacceptable.”

In recent years, Iran, Russia and China have all honed their skills to use online bots and networks of fake social media accounts to amplify controversial debates in the US immigrationShootings by police, COVID-19, environmental disasters, and myself Chinese spy balloons.

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In most cases, these influence campaigns exploit existing social conflicts, and Haines pointed out Tuesday that Americans participating in protests against Israel’s behavior in Gaza have the right to voice their opinions. But she said Americans need to be aware when foreign actors are trying to interfere in American domestic politics.

“Americans who are targeted by this Iranian campaign may not be aware that they are interacting with or receiving support from a foreign government,” Haines said.

Demonstrations against Israel’s offensive in the Gaza Strip In recent months, protests have taken place on universities across the country. The protests quickly became a factor in political campaigns and led to Concerns about anti-Semitism and the role of “Agitators from outside “ and concerns about a larger regional conflict between Israel and Iran.

Iran is not the only nation trying to influence American discourse ahead of the 2024 election. During a briefing with reporters on Tuesday, intelligence officials said America’s adversaries are trying to use the latest artificial intelligence to expand the reach and penetration of False information about the election.

The officials – from agencies including the FBI and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence – spoke to reporters on condition of anonymity under ground rules set by the director’s office.

Russia remains the biggest threat, officials said, with the Kremlin launching a government-wide effort to spread misinformation ahead of the 2024 election. Russia has already tried to use immigration debates as part of its Strategy to undermine international support for Ukraine.

Russia is also trying to cover its tracks by spreading its disinformation through supposedly independent news sites and American influencers who may not be aware that they are parroting Russian arguments.

When asked whether Russia favors a particular presidential candidate, the officials did not directly answer, but they pointed out that the country’s preference has not changed since previous election cycles, when, according to US intelligence agencies, Russia tried to put Republican candidate Donald Trump in office.

While China mounts a Rampant disinformation campaign Ahead of Taiwan’s recent election, the country was more cautious this year about using disinformation targeting Americans. Officials said Tuesday that there were no signs that China would try to influence the presidential campaign.

A Chinese politician said that choosing between two candidates, both of whom are seen as trying to limit China’s power, is not an advantage for China.

Senator Mark Warner, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said the U.S. may be more vulnerable to foreign disinformation this year than before the 2020 election. He thanked the intelligence community for Tuesday’s briefings to inform the public about the threat.

“Social media in particular remains a popular vector for covert foreign influence efforts, and our adversaries remain focused on stoking social, racial and political tensions among Americans,” said Warner, Democrat of Virginia.


Associated Press writer Eric Tucker contributed from Washington.