
New union calls on UM Regents to make room in budget for its first-ever contract demands

New union calls on UM Regents to make room in budget for its first-ever contract demands

Members of a new hospital union at the University of Michigan held a rally before the regents meeting on Thursday.

The meeting also discussed the university’s budget for the coming fiscal year. Union leaders said the timing of the rally should remind regents to make room in the budget for their very first contract demands.

The SEIU Healthcare Michigan union represents nearly 2,600 Michigan Medicine employees, including respiratory therapists, phlebotomists, clerks, nursing technicians and patient service staff.

Ashley Greene is a respiratory therapist at Michigan Medicine.

“A lot of us are really struggling right now,” she said. “Some of our staff are making less than $20 an hour. Some can’t afford medication. So we need to make a living providing this care, not just make the bare minimum and then have this billion dollar hospital tell us it has no money for us.”

Union leaders say nearly 1,000 of their members make less than $20 an hour. In addition to wage increases, the union is demanding an increase in paid time off, as well as raises for late shifts, weekends and on-call hours.

The University of Michigan has not yet commented on the rally or the union’s demands.

The U of M holds the broadcast license from Michigan Public.