
Slotkin reports over $6 million for his candidacy for the US Senate in Michigan

Slotkin reports over  million for his candidacy for the US Senate in Michigan

Washington ― Democratic U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin raised $6.45 million in the final quarter of her fundraising campaign for her U.S. Senate bid and has $9.5 million in cash reserves four months before Election Day, her campaign said Tuesday.

The massive amount is the most Slotkin has raised in a three-month period since she entered the race for the open Senate seat in February 2023. It brings her total this cycle to about $22.5 million. In the first quarter of the year, she recorded total earnings of about $4.4 million.

Her campaign said 95 percent of donations were $100 or less and 56 percent of donors were new to the campaign. The total does not include personal funds or donations from corporate PACs, according to a spokesperson.

The fundraising announcement comes after the Democratic front-runner’s campaign spent $8 million last week on advertising on cable television, broadcast and digital platforms in the final weeks before the general election in October and November.

Slotkin has led the way in fundraising for her Senate campaign among all candidates and is the first in the race for the Michigan seat to announce her second-quarter results before the July 15 deadline to file reports with the Federal Election Commission.

In the Democratic primary on August 6, she faces Hill Harper of Detroit, an actor and author who is struggling to raise money. In the Republican primary, she faces former U.S. Reps. Mike Rogers of Brighton and Justin Amash of Cascade Township, businessman Sandy Pensler of Grosse Pointe Park and physician Sherry O’Donnell of Stevensville.

They are competing for the seat of outgoing U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (Democrat, Lansing).

More: Who is leading the race for the US Senate in Michigan?

Finishing behind Slotkin in the first quarter of the year was Pensler, who has largely self-funded his candidacy by lending his campaign a total of $3 million through March 31. The Trump-backed Rogers has raised a total of $2.9 million this cycle through March 31. Amash, who entered the race late, raised nearly $478,500 in his first quarter and finished with over $740,230 in the bank.

Harper raised nearly $358,000 from private donors in the first quarter of the year and gave $350,000 to his campaign. Through March 31, he had totaled just over $2 million in revenue for the cycle.

National groups are increasingly watching the race in Michigan. The Senate Republican political arm, which supports Rogers, reserved nearly $10 million for TV and online advertising in Michigan last month. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has reserved over $11 million for TV broadcasts in Michigan to defend Stabenow’s seat, and Senate Majority PAC, a group tied to Majority Leader Charles Schumer of New York, has reserved $14 million worth of airtime in Michigan to support the Democratic candidate.

The battle for Stabenow’s seat is taking place in several swing states and could be decisive in determining which party controls the chamber in 2025.

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