
Action committee condemns threats by Sri Lankan president against teachers

Action committee condemns threats by Sri Lankan president against teachers

We, as members of the Teachers, Students and Parents Action Committee in Defence of Free Education (TSPAC), condemn the threats and reprisals by President Ranil Wickremesinghe against more than 250,000 teachers, school principals and trainers.

Sri Lanka’s President Ranil Wickremesinghe (AP Photo/Eranga Jayawardena)

Wickremesinghe, who is completely opposed to our demands for a salary increase, a reduction in the cost of student materials and an increase in government spending on public education, made his latest threat on July 3 at a meeting of thousands of educators in Colombo.

“No one should, directly or indirectly, disrupt school classes between 7:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. I have asked the Attorney General to propose measures in this regard,” he said, claiming the teachers’ strikes were “unjustified.”

Wickremesinghe also said, “Given the economic situation in the country, further increases are not possible” as teachers’ salaries were increased in 2022 and all government employees recently received an allowance of 10,000 rupees ($32.84).

In his effort to divide the teaching profession across ethnic lines, he played the communal card, declaring: “There were no strikes in Tamil and Muslim schools… (but) there were disturbances in Sinhala-medium schools.”

Wickremesinghe’s latest threats followed a brutal police attack on tens of thousands of striking teachers demonstrating in Colombo on June 26 to demand a pay rise. The government-instigated attack left dozens of teachers injured, including one with serious eye injuries.

The next day, at a meeting with the chief Buddhist prelate of the Asgiriya chapter, Wickremesinghe threatened to place education under the government’s draconian Essential Public Services Act (EPSA). This repressive law prohibits any industrial action and violations are punishable by harsh prison sentences, heavy fines and suspension from employment.

Part of the teachers’ protest in front of Fort Railway Station in Colombo on 26 June 2024

We call on all sections of the working class to condemn Wickremesinghe’s threats against teachers and to see them as an attack on the entire working class, which is currently caught up in a struggle for wages and basic rights.

The Wickremesinghe government recently declared the health, electricity and petroleum sectors as essential services. Railways and other public transport are also considered essential services.

Wickremesinghe gives cynical lectures to educators about how they should teach, what their responsibilities are and how they should behave. What arrogance! Teachers, like all sections of the working class and the poor, are struggling desperately to make ends meet.