
Jax Singer is deep in TikTok drama over Neurospicy text

Jax Singer is deep in TikTok drama over Neurospicy text

Normally good music makes people talk. But if everyone on TikTok says you terrible with your song and its message you missed the target and ended up insulting everyone who was diagnosed with any a kind Mental disability? Opportunities are The music is probably not so great. But because I had never I’ve heard Jax before their new song “Neurospicy”. I’ll leave that to you to judge.

Jax is a singer who gained public attention At the 14th season of American Idol. Although she didn’t win, she became quite famous in 2022 after she released the song “Victoria’s Secret,” which was about how companies like the billion-dollar lingerie empire make a living from women’s insecurities. People on TikTok chimed in and said she made a real point. Let’s just say she was Girl On Couch before anyone was Looking for a man in finance.

Today, Jax’s new music isn’t going down so well. So why are people so upset about the new song? And what does “Neurospicy” even mean?!

@pogsyy we didn’t need that, things are bad enough #Autism #ADHD #Jax #neurodivergent #neurospicy ♬ neurospicy (interlude) – Jax

What does neurospicience mean?

Jax is not the first to use the word “neurospicy” – it is a word that is a lighter version of the word “neurodivergent”. According to the Cleveland Clinic, being neurodivergent means that your brain doesn’t function in a way that’s considered traditional or “normal.” Essentially, there are various mental milestones designed to measure how people develop throughout their lives. If you don’t reach certain milestones at the same time or in the same way as those on this scale, you’re considered neurodivergent. If you have a mental health condition like ADHD, autism, or dyslexia, you’re typically considered neurodivergent. “Neurospicy” is just another name for it.

Keep in mindthe neither neurodivergent nor neurospicy are medical terms!

Jax “Neurospicy” Lyrics Breakdown

Not only are people saying the song sucks musically, they’re not a fan of the lyrics either. In the main chorus, Jax sings, “I might be a little bit sharp/ A little bit neuro sharp/ Ain’t everybody a little bit sharp/ Sharp is better than boring.” She continues to sing lines like “I have Problems with borders“ and “My brain and my mouth don’t talk much.”

Content creators like Tara Rule were quick to share their thoughts on the new song. Mainly that it’s damn embarrassing. “I know I can’t recognize when people make fun of me for being autistic, but this song totally makes fun of us, right?” She then made her own version of the song, replacing the original lyrics with, “Is everyone fucking autistic?”

@pogsyy, so no?? #jax #neurodivergent #autism #adhs #neurospicy #embarrassing #ukulele ♬ Original sound – Tara Rule

Why are people upset about the song “Neurospicy”?

The word “neurospicy” has caused strong reactions in the past, so it’s not surprising that Jax titling a song with that word has upset people. People think the word is super infantilizing and treats mental illnesses as if they were quirky rather than serious problems that require a lot of time, effort and resources to solve.

Jax not only seems to trivialize these problems with the song, but she also makes it seem as if all Fights with these problems if that Only not the case. She may think she’s being nice when she says, “Isn’t everyone a little bit saucy?”, but it seems like she doesn’t understand the difficulties neurodiverse people face every day in their lives.

Some people also find it strange that she uses the text “Spicy is better than bland”, which is almost a a kind Hierarchy. In total, as it appears Almost every Poetry was a swing and a hard miss.

I know it’s fun to use new words, but maybe next time we should leave this one in the vault.